Partition Sizes/Setup?


Verified User
Apr 7, 2004
In the newest DA server I'm building, I have an 80GB drive and a 250GB drive. The 80GB drive was planned to be used for the /, /boot, /var, /usr, /tmp, and swap partitions with the 250GB drive being SOLEY for /home and user accounts. (I had to get them when I saw big blackfriday deals. I paid $140 for both)

But my question is, with /home residing on the 250gb drive and the 80gb drive having the others, what is the best partition scheme I should use? I've been reading what others have wrote here in the forums and have come up with the following. My only question is... in the future when the server gets alot of accounts and grows... and as the DA software grows will I have enough room in the appropriate places?

/home - 250gb

/ - 10,000mb
/usr - 20,000mb
/var - 47,388mb
/tmp - 2,000mb
/boot - 100mb
swap - 512mb

The server specs are:
- Dual Pentium 3 (933mhz)
- Tyan Tiger 200 mobo with dual nics, onboard video.
- 1GB of ECC memory (Micron/Crucial 512 x 2)
- Onboard FastTrak RAID (the 80GB is here)
- Additional PCI FastTrak RAID (the 250GB is here)
Looks good to me. 80gb is probably more than you need for the operating system and other necassary files. On my server everything except the home directory runs at 1.5gb or so. (not including logs etc in /var, but 40gb is probably a good ammount)

You might want to increase the swap space. Although some argue you don't really need to in a *nix environment, but probably a good guideline to follow.

Personally I only have partitions for home, swap, and var. Everything else goes to /. I haven't had any problems with it yet.
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Well when I get the 80gb 7200rpm 8mb cache drive for $39, I can't pass that up :)