PHP Extensions


Verified User
Oct 11, 2019
The Netherlands

So.... we got this since i am quite unsure if i am being retarded or that i am missing something.
But the extensions list was already there I believe ?

So Assuming it was not, Its not what i am looking for.
So lets turn it around a bit.
How do i install all possible php extensions Yes i mean all of them.
I'll then just enable and disable the ones i want or need.
Is very useful but misses some still.

Is it posible what i want or am i just being unrealistic?
The guide you are referring to might become not applicable as soon as directadmin developers complete the feature and fully integrate installation of PHP extensions into custombuild script.
Where did you find that image? Is that a native feature of DirectAdmin, or you use a third-party plugin?

Anyway, there might be conflicts if you installed an extension using the guide from Poralix's site it might not be shown on the page.