PHP Readline extension installed but not available


Verified User
Oct 17, 2013
The Netherlands
I've installed the readline php extension with custombuild.

But the `readline` function is not available in php-cil (nor php-fpm)

Am I missing something?

I've rebuild both php_readline and php
after extension compitation - usually you must include it in php.ini or another config (fpm).
Thank you so much

I expected that custombuild would load the extension.

I've modified /usr/local/phpXX/lib/php.conf.d/10-directadmin.ini and added ``

Hope this change is not reverted...
don't do that,

"10-directadmin.ini" will rewrite by custombuild

create other file like "99-custom.ini"

The build script does have commands to add `` to the 10-directadmin.ini files. I don't know why it doesn't do that for me.

Rebuilding all PHP now and will check if the extension is still listed. Otherwise I'll add it to a custom file.
10-directadmin.ini is overwritten without my line.

@smtalk it's a custombuild bug: the PHP_EXT_SETTINGS variable currently does not include READLINE. When you add it, all works as expected.
that's why @jamgames2 told you:
don't do that,
"10-directadmin.ini" will rewrite by custombuild
create other file like "99-custom.ini"
10-directadmin.ini is overwritten without my line.

@smtalk it's a custombuild bug: the PHP_EXT_SETTINGS variable currently does not include READLINE. When you add it, all works as expected.
It'll be there in next alpha build (this night), thank you for the report!