Today after a ./build update and ./build all php4 and php5 does'nt work ok again. Now php4 works fine and I belive php5 works fines too, the problem is thar the the web who are set to have php5 are working with php4 (in fact it doesn't work). In the php version selector the users has set to have php5 but they have php4.
I cant make it work fine, i read almost all directadmin forum traing to find a working solution but nothing works for me.
It seem like the php5 doesn't want to be load or that de suphp doesn't work.
Have any one an idea of what may be is going on

Thanks in advance.
PD: Sorry for my poor english!
Today after a ./build update and ./build all php4 and php5 does'nt work ok again. Now php4 works fine and I belive php5 works fines too, the problem is thar the the web who are set to have php5 are working with php4 (in fact it doesn't work). In the php version selector the users has set to have php5 but they have php4.
I cant make it work fine, i read almost all directadmin forum traing to find a working solution but nothing works for me.
It seem like the php5 doesn't want to be load or that de suphp doesn't work.
Have any one an idea of what may be is going on

Thanks in advance.
PD: Sorry for my poor english!