phpmyadmin work on ip, error on domain!


Verified User
Mar 7, 2013
Dear Friends,

Please help me solving this problem!

phpmyadmin works on my server following its ip address:

but It doesn't work on my domains like:

and it shows following warning:

Warning in ./libraries/
session_start(): open(/var/www/tmp/sess_75hh4jsbme2fmvck506e45pic2er16vp, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13)


./libraries/ session_start()
./libraries/ require(./libraries/
./index.php#12: require_once(./libraries/
Are you sure you installed it using CustomBuild? Cause the login page isnt at all the same that CB show.

Also the path, it shouldnt use /var/www/tmp but probably /tmp

I would highly suggest you to re-install it using Custombuild and also check permissions on /tmp

Ah... thanks Alex! I definitly never saw that feature at all (and is actually quite an old one)...

Thanks for pointing me that out ;)


EDIT: I did also test it!! OMG i'm getting old xD
Are you sure you installed it using CustomBuild? Cause the login page isnt at all the same that CB show.

Also the path, it shouldnt use /var/www/tmp but probably /tmp

I would highly suggest you to re-install it using Custombuild and also check permissions on /tmp


yes I installed it usin CB plagin. but I changed its config to use cookie for login! So login page changed! but in "http" I have this problem too!

it is ok with IP, So I think there is no permission problem!
It depends. What do you see with

./build options

ls -ld [COLOR=#333333]/var/www/tmp/
It depends. What do you see with

./build options

Apache: 2.4.12
mod_ruid2: no
ModSecurity: no
htscanner: 1.0.1
Dovecot: 2.2.18
Dovecot configuration: no
AWstats: no
Exim: 4.85
exim.conf update: yes, release 2.1
BlockCracking: no
Easy Spam Fighter no
SpamAssassin: no
ClamAV: 0.98.7
MySQL: 5.5.44
MySQL backup: yes
MySQL backup directory: /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/mysql_backups
PHP (default): 5.3 as fastcgi
phpMyAdmin: 4.4.10-all-languages
ProFTPD: 1.3.5a
Pure-FTPd: no
RoundCube webmail: 1.1.2
Replace "php.ini" with './build all' and './build php_ini': yes
Replace "php.ini" using type: production
Auto updates/notifications: no
Run "clean" every time: yes
Run "clean_old_webapps" every time: yes
Run "clean_old_tarballs" every time: yes
Show texts in bold: yes
SquirrelMail: 1.4.22
Zend Guard Loader: yes
ionCube loader: 5.0.10
Suhosin: no


drwxrwx--- 2 webapps webapps 69632 Jul 7 19:23 /var/www/tmp/
Do you have any custom templates in /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/custom/ ? If yes what are they?
Do you have any custom code added through directadmin for the affected virtual host?
What do you see with:

ls -la [COLOR=#333333]/var/www/tmp/ [/COLOR]
Do you have any custom templates in /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/custom/ ? If yes what are they? Nothing
Do you have any custom code added through directadmin for the affected virtual host? No
What do you see with:

ls -la [COLOR=#333333]/var/www/tmp/ [/COLOR]

[root@box587 conf]# ls -la /var/www/tmp/
total 240
drwxrwx---   2 webapps webapps 163840 Sep 19 19:33 .
drwxr-xr-x. 11 webapps apache    4096 May 20 15:01 ..
-rw-------   1 webapps webapps   1278 Sep 19 19:33 sess_2q4o3g2lhhgeqkhruo7vvis9bgumvu34
-rw-------   1 webapps webapps   1278 Sep 19 05:01 sess_342saujj1suqvd1j4vhqd1accaja096t
-rw-------   1 webapps webapps   1278 Sep 19 16:41 sess_3jreibcgir9no5f7fab62e140ir89bal
-rw-------   1 webapps webapps   1278 Sep 19 05:01 sess_4sgo731q0dkljsg1q3bqh0h92n8oa0l8
-rw-------   1 webapps webapps   1278 Sep 19 02:39 sess_5i9un1rrpk5598g787lb1dmetp61k8fj
-rw-------   1 webapps webapps   1278 Sep 19 02:39 sess_fq2tlgl2385m92899cks190jduq6igjn
-rw-------   1 webapps webapps   1278 Sep 19 19:33 sess_ijg3g5ohctsshcls6936k4mj86g2f5sn
-rw-------   1 webapps webapps   1278 Sep 19 16:41 sess_nlf9g9i5ljc2vo1mjehcrcjfp2atcegc
-rw-------   1 webapps webapps   1278 Sep 19 18:00 sess_o0jd6rl0o1p3rtfi2m1t67tu4r8mhk2s
-rw-------   1 webapps webapps   1665 Sep 19 02:06 sess_q09lq7q57ee21fcc8s3r7h3kgapi8cp6
-rw-------   1 webapps webapps   1278 Sep 19 18:00 sess_r6lp2utacc6cnrhdl4c2f0vrvq2ktfvs
-rw-------   1 webapps webapps  28321 Sep 19 13:58 sess_r773o5a40331tkr1o7ngckjploc0q407