|POPLIST| instead catch-all list


Verified User
Jan 31, 2019
I can't set catch-all beacuse, there isn't any list of emails. Please look on attachment image.

DA version=1.60.1
It seems you're using some customizations in the skin (I see icons were changed, for example), I guess that could be related.
It works good on other domain owned by the same user.
I've tried uncheck catch-all on resseller, and check it again but it changed nothing. DA update neither
Looking at the code, I'm not too sure what might cause that.. the first guess would be if the token parser has failed at some point earlier, or perhaps a missing closing | character.

Try saving your html code elsewhere and have ONLY the |POPLIST| token in the html file, and load the page to see if it generates the correct value.

Also try adding something common, like |USERNAME| beside it to see if that is able to show up.