possible bug with ipv6 ?


Verified User
Jun 21, 2012
as soon as an ipv6 ip assigned to user apache fails with
Starting httpd: [Sat Jan 11 19:13:44.691654 2014] [core:error] [pid 23587] (EAI 2)Name or service not known: AH00547: Could not resolve host name IP REMOVED:80[ IPV6 IP REMOVED] -- ignoring!
doing ./build rewrite_confs does not help
sure looks like it, this server was built on 12-27 so should have the corrected CB.
I cannot remember how to check and update CB itself, can you tell me please?
sure looks like it, this server was built on 12-27 so should have the corrected CB.
I cannot remember how to check and update CB itself, can you tell me please?

Just run "./build update" should be enough to get the newest versions of CB, and to check what version you are running, just run "./build", at the top it should say "Version: 2.0.0-RC6" if you have the newest version.
I am pretty sure I entered ipv6 info correctly too
my block is

so for the one domain I am using to test I assigned
as all ipv6 calculators said that was start address.
however running
grep `hostname` /etc/hosts | awk '{print $1}'
only gives the ipv4 ip so I am not sure if I got the ipv6 ip correct.
Just run "./build update" should be enough to get the newest versions of CB, and to check what version you are running, just run "./build", at the top it should say "Version: 2.0.0-RC6" if you have the newest version.

thanks I am RC6 so maybe there is another issue
ok will do a ./build update
thanks guys I appreciate the advice here
did ./build update and still have issue.
am I using correct ip format?
Your /etc/hosts should show both IPs, so if you have only the V4, add the V6

But that won't solve your problem since it seems to be related to additional IPs.
Your IP (2604:4300:000a:000b:0000:0000:0000:0000) looks wrong. Add this one to DA
2604:4300:a:b:0:0:2:1 mask /64
and try adding it to a customer
same error
will post full thing:

Starting httpd: [Sat Jan 11 20:01:16.499148 2014] [core:error] [pid 12073] (EAI 2)Name or service not known: AH00547: Could not resolve host name[2604:4300:a:b:0:0:2:1] -- ignoring!
is there something I should have done server level (centos 6.6) to make sure these were actually available? the datacenter says they added but...
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yeah I bet thats it
ifcfg-eth0 doesn't have the info in it

yeah I got a ton of reading to do first to see how to add these to server. I misunderstood datacenter and thought they had actually added them.
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