PowerDNS External DNS Servers "Integration"


Verified User
Dec 11, 2008
I have few PowerDNS servers, Including PowerDNS Recursor
dns servers addresses example:
and Separately few shared hosting serves, based on directadmin
I want to allow the directadmin shared hosting users continue to use local bind
but let the powerdns "listening" to the directadmin shared hosting servers, so if I point domain to the powerdns name servers
and he have zone on one of the directadmin shared hosting servers, it's will get respond via powerdns servers.
what I need to configure on directadmin named.conf file?
and what on powerdns conf / Recursor conf file?

Best Regards,
Star Network.
This is the related guide for different ways to send the data to external servers.

If you have a database back-end for power-dns, you could have one of the mentioned scripts trigger the change to the database.

Or.. if you have some php coding knowledge, duplicate the CMD_ functions that DA uses.. have have DA call your functions through a remote apache.. and you php script would then make the changes to the dns.
If you use this method:
- You can easily add more DA servers to link to your powerdns setup via the multi-server setup page (DA can connect to apache, but apache has to "know" how to handle the CMD_ requests, which is what you'd be coding)
- Others would make great use of such a script, if you wanted to sell it.
- anyone else could connect to your dns system, and you could also rent that out to other DA boxes as a service (or whoever codes that first :))

thanks John / Jeff,
am not looking for "manual" records updates script, but just some configuration that allow one of the options:
1. if PowerDNS don't have answer to the Query, ask it from the shared hosting DNS servers, maybe configure the shared hosting servers as root servers for PowerDNS Recursor?
2. allow to the PowerDNS "lisen / get" lists of zones from bind (by allow-transfer or some "general" setting). or AXFR replication?
What could be simpler to perform?

Best Regards,
Star Network.
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am not looking for "manual" records updates script
to clarify, once the scripts are setups, it's fully automated, nothing would be manual.
PowerDNS would already have copies of everything from the DA box.
Updated automatically with new domains and any record changes, etc.

Your question on having PowerDNS DA for values is also possible, depending on what tools PowerDNS offers to tell us that it needs to get the data.
If it can trigger a script, the API can be used to ask DA what's in the zone.
AXFR replication could work too.. any standard PowerDNS/Bind guide would probably work for that (it's not something we use)

If it were me, I'd go with the automated send of all zones are they're created and modifed, to PowerDNS so that it always has everything it needs.
If you use the Multi-Server Setup option, to connect to apache, you could also use the "check-zone" checkbox, which would ask the remote server if the zone is in the system.
This is handy to prevent Users from adding domains that already exist on other servers... else a new domain might overwrite the zone that already belongs to someone else or another box.
