Prevent Domain Name Change


Verified User
Jun 27, 2019
Is there a way to prevent end-users from changing the main domain name on their account?

It seems that users are able to change the domain name on their account after it's setup without any administrative intervention. I'm not sure how they are doing it.

This creates issues with billing, because the billing system may have the account as one domain name, where as the server has it as another domain name.

If end users want to create extra domain names, I'm fine with allowing that.

I'm fine with allowing the main domain name to be changed... I just would like for it to require administrative intervention so we can be sure our billing system is updated to reflect the change.
Actually CMD_CHANGE_DOMAIN is already in the never_commands list. And they are still changing the main domain name.

I suspect that they're creating an extra domain name and then making that newly created extra domain name the main domain name. And then deleting the old domain name.

Like I said, I'm not exactly sure how they are doing it.
Hi @sparek

If they are doing Add + Delete the domain against your wish, try this option.

This will limit the power to delete any domains. If you offer multiple domains, the user can still add it, but they can't delete it.