Problem getting debian 11 recognized as host OS


Verified User
Dec 15, 2017

I moved a host from CentOS to debian 11 recently and was having trouble to get DirectAdmin to recognize the host OS.
It kept on saying "linux_amd64" even when I tried adding the OS to directadmin.conf
After a
root@myhostname:/usr/local/directadmin/scripts# ./ current
###################################################################################################################################### 100.0%
Update Successful.
and restarting directadmin, I would still end up with "linux_amd64".
Nothing helped, but since I had virtually no issues.. I let it go for now.

Today I had problems compiling the latest clamav 0.104.2 and I figured to try again to get the hostOS detection fixed.

So I followed the steps from yet another time.
Removed the os_override, tried again.. nope, no success.

Then I noticed that there's a special CLI way underneath that article. One where you have ALL control.
I do like the sound of that!

root@myhostname:/usr/local/directadmin/scripts# CHANNEL=current
root@myhostname:/usr/local/directadmin/scripts# OS_SLUG=debian11_amd64
root@myhostname:/usr/local/directadmin/scripts# COMMIT=$(dig +short -t txt "$" | sed 's|.*commit=\([0-9a-f]*\).*|\1|')
root@myhostname:/usr/local/directadmin/scripts# FILE="directadmin_${COMMIT}_${OS_SLUG}.tar.gz"
root@myhostname:/usr/local/directadmin/scripts# curl --location --progress-bar --connect-timeout 10 "${FILE}" --output "/root/${FILE}"
###################################################################################################################################### 100.0%
root@myhostname:~# tar xzf "/root/${FILE}" -C /usr/local/directadmin

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

Hmm.. that sounds familiar...
root@myhostname:~# cat directadmin_9a6798b0fb610c91775c580114a7101d8cad6fbf_debian11_amd64.tar.gz
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><BucketName>download-directadmin</BucketName><RequestId>tx00000000000016ecb6751-0061e2d445-18008f82-nyc3c</RequestId><HostId>18008f82-nyc3c-nyc3-zg03</HostId></Error>

Right.. so I changed the above to "OS_SLUG=debian10_amd64" and now it DID download a directadmin binary zipped up and I was able to switch to debian10

Not perfect, but closer to debian11 than a linux_amd64

With that I was able to compile Clamav 104.2

Hope this helps someone out there.
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I have a Debian 11 server as well and it was recognized as Debian 10 or 11 some time ago. When I check it now, I get this:

Current Version: 1.63.9
DA build for OS linux_amd64
Detected server OS debian11_amd64

No clue why it did change. It was a fresh install with latest DA back then and I never switched the OS.
I have the same on all my servers:

Version 1.652
DA build pour l'OSlinux_amd64
Système d’exploitation de serveur détectédebian11_amd64
do you share license between old and new server? try update DA on new server or ask support - DA team helps with new installs.
I have the same display of "warning" on all my servers (close to 100) including the ones installed a few weeks ago !

This seems to be "cosmetic only" no worries !