as far as i read there is a bug on creating pointer, the pointer is created but not show in list, and it appear after nightly tally in cron from directadmin
the task.queue is craeted in the same moment as pointer is added and the cron fro that task is everyminute, so, should be that the file doesnt exist cause has already been processed.
Otherwise, can be missing in the same moment cause for some reason isnt created and so the error log should say something about that.
DirectAdmin staff sayd that the fix for pointer not showd in list will be fixed in next release.
But, this should cause problem on your dns, should just be a "not showd in list" problem apparently not related with dns
Checking the dns with dig seems that the A record is not created...
so, im trying to understand: -> where is pointing?
do you own domain?
If is pointing to another domain you MUST (directadmin doesnt create the A record for a subdomain) create a A record into dns administration, if not, will never resolve i suppose.