When a DirectAdmin account is created,, it also create a default email account that can't be deleted, like this:
[email protected]
The login name for that system email is: DAUSERNAME
Then I setup a "Forwarder" in DirectAdmin for this system email, like this:
[email protected] -> [email protected]
When i send email to [email protected] it is then forwarded correct to the email [email protected]
However when customer use php script to send out email, if that email bounce back then it will bounce back to this address:
[email protected]
The big problem then, is that email that bounce back to [email protected] is NOT forwarded to [email protected]
However if I log into Roundcube with username: DAUSERNAME - then the bounce mail to [email protected] is in the inbox of DAUSERNAME
So the only way I can check if a email is bounce back, is to login to Roundube webmail in the same system email account that I have setup forwarder for. But forwarder only work when email is sent to [email protected] the forwarder does not work when email is sent to [email protected] (wich will happen everythime email bounce back from email sent from a php script).
Also the cron emails will be sent to [email protected] and many users never check that email account in Roundcube.
My suggestion is that DirectAdmin make global change so that every email sent to [email protected] will forward to the user email address listed at this page:
That will solve both problems when email is sent from php scripts and bounce back to [email protected]
And it will also solve the problem when users setup cron jobs without stopping cron job from sending email, and then they get tens of thousands of emails in the inbox at [email protected] wich they never know about.
I consider this a big problem.
[email protected]
The login name for that system email is: DAUSERNAME
Then I setup a "Forwarder" in DirectAdmin for this system email, like this:
[email protected] -> [email protected]
When i send email to [email protected] it is then forwarded correct to the email [email protected]
However when customer use php script to send out email, if that email bounce back then it will bounce back to this address:
[email protected]
The big problem then, is that email that bounce back to [email protected] is NOT forwarded to [email protected]
However if I log into Roundcube with username: DAUSERNAME - then the bounce mail to [email protected] is in the inbox of DAUSERNAME
So the only way I can check if a email is bounce back, is to login to Roundube webmail in the same system email account that I have setup forwarder for. But forwarder only work when email is sent to [email protected] the forwarder does not work when email is sent to [email protected] (wich will happen everythime email bounce back from email sent from a php script).
Also the cron emails will be sent to [email protected] and many users never check that email account in Roundcube.
My suggestion is that DirectAdmin make global change so that every email sent to [email protected] will forward to the user email address listed at this page:
That will solve both problems when email is sent from php scripts and bounce back to [email protected]
And it will also solve the problem when users setup cron jobs without stopping cron job from sending email, and then they get tens of thousands of emails in the inbox at [email protected] wich they never know about.
I consider this a big problem.