Problem with local system email

Should the final solution discussed in the thread be implemented in DirectAdmin so it automatically gets done for all new users? I don't know, but I'm inclined to say yes.

I'd like to see what others say, though I use the .forward, customers of ours very and very seldom asked anything of this kind. And we do not set the file for them by default.
Yes, I understand. Thank you. I would not regard this as a problem if I did not yet have any customers. I would just put some information in Enhanced skin on the email page, and in the welcome email, telling them that this first email account is a forwarder only account. However, I am not sure I dare to do a change like that for all existing users, they might have setup that email account in their mail client etc. Finally I found the solution, then I can't use it. Well, its my problem. I must think about it more.

Just as an "FYI", if you need a forwarder for the system account ([email protected]), I usually put them into:
Also keep in mind that [email protected] is in itself, just a forwarder to the [email protected] account.
So, for the case where you never want a message saved to [email protected], then you'd add the forwarder to /etc/aliases.

I won't make any decisions yet, but we could consider a feature where you can specify the forwarder value for the /etc/aliases file.

Hello John. The way the default system email account is setup today, is very very problematic, and only create alot of trouble on shared hosting servers.

Please make global changes to setup of DirectAdmin, so that the default email account that is created upon account creation, is marked as a "Forwarder only" email account in DirectAdmin email account page, and that both [email protected] and [email protected] is forwarding to the external email address that is set for the customer when the account is created.

Any changes you do regarding this, no matter how you decide and what you decide to do, would be a big improvement over the way it works today. Today it does not work, today it only creates trouble on shared hosting server.

I just deleted 20000 thousunds email in a inbox that was from a user creating a cron job that did not work, and it sent out email to [email protected] everytime the cron job run. And the user did not chkeck the default email account, most users never use that default email account, they only use email accounts they create themself.

Same problem is all the time when user send email newsletter from php scripts, and many recipients email does not work and bounce back to [email protected], but again the customer does not use the default email account, and the emails will never be read.

This does not work and need change - any change at all would be to the better. Todays way this work, is not working. I have been frustrated about this for 3 years now, and been worry about it every week!
Sorry for delay reply but i wasnt home yet.


echo "$email" >> /home/$username/.forward
chown $username:$username /home/$username/.forward
chmod 644 /home/$username/.forward

should work aswell.
