Verified User
I think your problem has to do with how your DKIM string is added to your named file. I remember running into this issue about a year ago and was racking my brain trying to remember what it was that I did to make it appear valid everywhere. The problem was that the string in the named file was too long, I had to break it up so that I actually have 3 strings and no spaces within the quoted strings. For example your entry in the named file should look like this:
x._domainkey 14400 IN TXT ( "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA7H56aZTAflokt6/GnoDDZ2pFp4qYy35GQV2dAszVcT5cTf1RuT5dy1NhIXi+ZwOvfIsOPn4MynbP7qC5duN62JT"
"1Pf+tFQNSa4DM79+NULhxoytSsULmfmWD40tr9PDMkK+OtQw8p6MYrKLMa0uxgT+RW/8eAh/bZvCmV5k1PIo4NdRPlgmp44n5SskiSmlQIDAQAB" )