Quick Deployment: DA K.I.S.S. Firewall, DA DDoS Deflate, DA BFD, CSF+LFD Installer


The plugin was produced by ConfigServer, the makers of CSF.

The quick deployment script that installs your distribution of KISS is still active.
Kiss should check that and report an error and not run if it's missing. From where did you get the version of kiss that didn't do that? My recollection is that once you run modprobe once you don't have to do it again; I may be wrong.

If I'm wrong, then install it in the rc.local file immediately before you run kiss.

(You do have kiss run at startup from that file, don't you?)


Just in case someone runs into the same problem. The server did have to be rebooted this weekend and ftp was no longer working. So once we ran modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp it was working again. We did add it to the rc.local file so I will test it after the next reboot.

Wont install DA DDoS Deflate v 0.6
DA BFD v 1.2
I get this when Install on a dedicated server (Beta 2, stable):.

Mind you I installed ELS before this, I removed APF + BFD before proceeding with this.

But still got this error tried twice.

Installing Nobaloney Internet Services DA-KISS Firewall

Creating cron to start KISS with server reboot...
Nobaloney Internet Services DA-KISS Firewall has been installed.
Starting DA-KISS Firewall
ACCEPT blah blah blah over and over

KISS My Firewall - Running!

Installing R-FXN Networks Brute Force Detection mod DirectAdmin
Downloading source files.

Download unsuccessful. Exiting.

Is this becuase the file isnt on the download server for CentOS 5 or my server has a conflicting file from ELS install.
Did you try doing a whois lookup on the domain? There's an email address and a phone number.

There's also a copy of KISS on my site, here. It appears that Wael has made some modifications to mine; I haven't taken the time to look to see what they are; perhaps someone else can tell us.

There's also a copy of KISS on my site, here. It appears that Wael has made some modifications to mine; I haven't taken the time to look to see what they are; perhaps someone else can tell us.


do you Confirme KISS ?

i think kiss project is stop. and csf has new option and more securety rull instead of kiss.

I'm not sure what you mean by more security. KISS simply creates rules to close all ports except those that it specifically opens. It doesn't attempt anything else at all; hence the S that stands for simple.

It doesn't do any realtime blocking, which some of the newer ones do.

It continues to work for us.

You don't say anything about your OS distribution or version, so I don't know why the modules you needed to load weren't loaded by default.

The versions of KISS on my website, here, include the code for connection tracking, but run it only if the modules are installed. They appear to be installed by default on my CentOS installations; I don't know why they aren't on yours. Did you install CentOS yourself?

No, datacenter installed centos for me.
So, you say that it is an installation issue?
I have no idea, since I didn't install it. My minimal CentOS installs, from the CentOS 5 ISOs, installing the firewall as part of the install, so install the conntrack modules.

My copy can be found here (nobaloney.net). However it may not be exactly the same or work exactly the same way.
