quote error


Just to clarify:

I've got quotas installed now, but there's no quota files (quotacheck: Cannot get quotafile name for /dev/ubd/0)... do I need to run something to set them up?

Matt :)

/sbin/quotaoff -a
/sbin/quotacheck -cavugm
/sbin/quotaon -a

(you might get errors from quotaoff, but we do it just in case it's already on)

when I run cd /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/fstab.sh
my server crached!

I have no more acces to shh en I have do a reboot but this is not help!
My server now is down!

I will go today to the datacentre to it.
does anywone a tip for me?
I'm getting a similar error under RHEL 4.0.

Error with system Quotas
setquota: Mountpoint (or device) /home not found. setquota: Not all specified mountpoints are using quota.

My system is configured with two drives (named "/" and "/home2") and a swap file.

My /home directory is not on its own partition. it is a directory under the / partition.

My fstab is as follows:
# This file is edited by fstab-sync - see 'man fstab-sync' for details
LABEL=/1                        /                       ext3    defaults,usrquot
a,grpquota      1 1
none                    /dev/pts                devpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0
none                    /dev/shm                tmpfs   defaults        0 0
LABEL=/home2            /home2                  ext3    defaults        1 2
none                    /proc                   proc    defaults        0 0
none                    /sys                    sysfs   defaults        0 0
LABEL=SWAP-hda2         swap                    swap    defaults        0 0

Everything else seems to be working great, and quotas ARE enabled on the system as you can see. I even ran fstab.sh again to make sure.

Any thoughts on remedying my quota errors?
Your error isn't an actual error, but just a warning, I assume..

Anyone have a way to let DA rewrite all quota's with quota ?
All users created before quota activation have unlimited quota, not really the way I want it ;)
man edquota explains how to set quotas, but I agree, it's terse and you have to really know what your doing.

Best bet is to look at the quota for a user set up after quotas are enabled so you can see how it's done.

# quota username

will let you see a quota,

# edquota username

will let you set a user's quota.

I was kinda hoping someone knew a way to let DA do it ;).

It's about 200 users at that server atm. Not really interested in doing that manually.
It could be done...

But it wouldn't be easy to write, and it would have to be written to the internals of the quota system, since there's no easy way to pipe anything directly to a file to make quota work.

So read the quota source code, and write it and we'll be happy to ask John to add it to DA. :)

Of course consider if you'd rather bill people who go over limits than turn them off. We considered that, and decided that for most of our clients that's what we want to do, so we intentionally don't use quota.

Your mileage may, and probably does, differ.


I am having this problem to but cant fix it :S

server1:~# /bin/mount -o remount,rw -a
server1:~# /sbin/quotacheck -cavug
quotacheck: Can't find filesystem to check or filesystem not mounted with quota option.
server1:~# cd /etc/fstab/
-su: cd: /etc/fstab/: Not a directory
server1:~# cd /home/
server1:/home# cd
server1:~# ls
dbootstrap_settings  install-report.template  setup.sh
server1:~# cd..
-su: cd..: command not found
server1:~# cd ..
server1:/# cd /home/
server1:/home# ls
admin  backup  innovation  mysql  tmp  uzi
server1:/home# cd ..
server1:/# cd /etc/fstab/
-su: cd: /etc/fstab/: Not a directory
server1:/# cd /usr/local/directadmin/scripts
server1:/usr/local/directadmin/scripts# ./fstab.sh
Checking quotas...
server1:/usr/local/directadmin/scripts# cd ..
server1:/usr/local/directadmin# cd ..
server1:/usr/local# cd ..
server1:/usr# cd ..
server1:/# /sbin/quotaoff -a
server1:/# /bin/mount -o remount,rw /home
mount: can't find /home in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
server1:/# locate quotacheck
Milan; I don't want to be a pest, but uhhm, this is wrong:
cd /etc/fstab/

/etc/fstab is a file containing the mountpoints and the physical disk locations.
From your output, it appears like you don't have /home as mountpoint. So, can you post a 'df -h' and a 'cat /etc/fstab' ?
That way we know what's actually mounted and is listed in the config.

Jeff: the server in question was a managed dedicated server, but it doesn't matter anyhow. The customer decided that it was best to bill rather than suspend. However, my own shared hosting customers don't always agree to that.
hey, sorry but I had already solved to prob. Thanks for the help though
quota and smp?

Bit of the same problem over here, mount -o remount,rw / works just fine untill I add the ,usrquota,grpquota line to fstab if I run the remount command again it gives:

mount: / not mounted already, or bad option

I'm running the default Debian kernel for 686-smp nowadays 2.4.27-3-686-smp, could it be quota support isn't compiled in, in this default kernel? Could this be right, seems so unlikely to me.

Thanks for your help.

when I type this: ./fstab.sh

then I get ./fstab.sh: line 23: /sbin/quotaon: No such file or directory

Pls tell me how to solve it