I'd like to raise the maximum size for mail scanned by spamassassin from the default 500kb to 1MB, but I just can't figure out how to get it done. Any pointers would be appreciated!
Basically, after trying various settings in local.cf I learned it's not even possible to change this via local.cf (is this true?) so I ended up editing exim.spamassassin.conf instead:
I replaced the 500k with 999k and restarted both spamassassin and exim, but no effect. What am I doing wrong?
I'd like to raise the maximum size for mail scanned by spamassassin from the default 500kb to 1MB, but I just can't figure out how to get it done. Any pointers would be appreciated!
Basically, after trying various settings in local.cf I learned it's not even possible to change this via local.cf (is this true?) so I ended up editing exim.spamassassin.conf instead:
# Spam Assassin
driver = accept
condition = ${if !eq{$acl_m_spam_assassin_has_run}{1}}
condition = "${if and { \
{!eq {$received_protocol}{spam-scanned}} \
{!eq {$received_protocol}{local}} \
{exists{/home/${lookup{$domain}lsearch{/etc/virtual/domainowners}{$value}}/.spamassassin/user_prefs}} \
{<{$message_size}{500k}} \
} {1}{0}}"
headers_remove = X-Spam-Flag:X-Spam-Report:X-Spam-Status:X-Spam-Level:X-Spam-Checker-Version
transport = spamcheck