
Verified User
Jan 3, 2004
DA-Proxy (ver. 0.12) is tool similar to cpanelproxy - it's a simple wrapper designed for providing access to control panel via standart ports. (It's useful for customers behind firewall or strict proxy.)

DirectAdmin on non-SSL port must be available for this script to work.
You need to use separate domain, subdomain or IP for this script. Just put da-proxy.php and .htaccess into apropriate folder.

For example, you can put da-proxy.php and .htaccess into /var/www/html/ folder and then you (and your customers) will be able to access DirectAdmin via

Configuration is simple - you can edit da-proxy.php to change script settings.
NOTE: To disable GZIP compression you can change, comment or delete "php_flag zlib.output_compression On" line inside .htaccess

P.S.: Hope, someday DA will change it's post-login redirection to relative style or will get protocol&port from request instead of config. (I don't understand, why they still can't do such simple thing.) And then we will be able to redirect connection from any port to DA freely and such silly wrappers will be unnecessary.
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I use DA on SSL only (port 2222).
Can I use this tool?

Or I have to disable or change DA port first?
No. This script can't connect to DirectAdmin via SSL.
You can change your directadmin.conf to enable non-SSL port also: set "SSL=0", change "port=2222" to "ssl_port=2222", and add "port=<some_another_port>". Restart DirectAdmin. Edit da-proxy.php: set $port to appropriate number.
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is this still around?

nevermind, my server just couldnt resolve this url for some reason.

I can tho.. and downloaded it.
yes it is..

are you saying we cant have it in another folder?

erm.. ok.

ill put it in the main directory.

but if per say I didnt want to? how could I make it be in say /daproxy/ of www root?

This script wouldn't work if placed in subfolder. It must be placed in DOCUMENT_ROOT.
If you want it in /var/www/html/daproxy, you should setup some VirtualHost with DocumentRoot in /var/www/html/daproxy.
I allways use this script on my server, but now I have a new server installed yesterday. I installed this server and have chosen for the custombuild option and the the default settings for php etc.

Now I installed the DA-Proxy script on my new server in the same way as the old server, but it does'nt work on the new server. I keep seeing the default apache page if i go to my server.

Does anyone know hwat is causing this behavior ?
I tried this solltuion but Apache doesnt start anymore, so I revert the changes. Any idea on how to do it ?

Starting httpd:
Apache 1.3 configuration directives found
please read @docdir@/migration.html
Does someone have this script affaible? i`m at a new webhost that does not support porxy in the server so i need the script.

Thanks in advance.
Its definately not corrupt. Make sure you are not trying to add it in directadmin in the plugins section. It is not meant to go in there because it is not that kind of plugin. It is meant to be extracted to /var/www/html manually.
Thanks finally got it working. I did not try to use it as a plugin. I just coulnd`t download the file (Tar.gz) it works like a charm now thanks.
When navigating the control panel logged in through da-proxy, it has been kicking back to the login prompt a lot. Any suggestions?