[Release] Spamblocker Plugin v1.9


Verified User
Mar 22, 2004
Moderator's Notice: Please see the last posts in this thread; it may no longer be supported.

NOTICE!!!! This plugin may not work with the SpamBlocker 3 (exim.conf) BETA release. Once the SpamBlocker 3 exim.conf file is final we will update the plugin to work with it.

As the previous version of this thread has been deleted I've reposted, hope I'm not missing something I posted earlier...

SPAMBlocker Plugin makes managing the configuration of SPAMBlocker (from Nobaloney Internet Services) a breeze.

SpamBlocker Plugin version 1.9.x is available

Version 1.9.1 should solve the encoder issues.

You can manage the following from the Plugin (if you have SPAMBlocker version 1)

* exim.conf settings for SPAMBlocker 1
* Upgrade to SPAMBlocker 2
* which domains are affected by SPAMBlocker
* automatically adding new domains to SPAMBlocker
* excluding domains from being added to SPAMBlocker
* Domains blacklist
* Hosts Whitelist
* View exim.conf

You can manage the following from the Plugin (if you have SPAMBlocker version 2)

* View exim.conf from inside the plugin
* exim.conf settings for SPAMBlocker 2
* Enable/Disable any of the external RBL lists
* which domains are affected by SPAMBlocker
* automatically adding new domains to SPAMBlocker
* excluding domains from being added to SPAMBlocker
* Domains whitelist
* Domains blacklist
* Hosts Whitelist
* Hosts Blacklist
* Sender Whitelist
* Senders Blacklist
* View exim.conf

Licenses for the plugin is for sale at http://www.daplugins.net for $29.95 per year.

You can download the plugin from
Default 32-bit : http://spamblocker.daplugins.net/plugin/spamblocker.tar.gz
32-bit : http://spamblocker.daplugins.net/plugin/32-bit/spamblocker.tar.gz
64-bit : http://spamblocker.daplugins.net/plugin/64-bit/spamblocker.tar.gz

To order Spamblocker:

To use the ticket system:
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I'm still having this issue:



spamblocker successfully downloaded
plugin.tar.gz extracted
install.sh returned a non-zero value:
Site error: the file /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/spamblocker/scripts/install.sh requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so to be installed by the site administrator.
Error with install script
I posted a while back that I've repacked the plugin in a 32-bit and a 64-bit version. Have you retried the installation in the last 2-3 days?
PHP 5.2.5 (cli) (built: Nov 20 2007 21:46:45)
Copyright (c) 1997-2007 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Zend Technologies
with the ionCube PHP Loader v3.1.32, Copyright (c) 2002-2007, by ionCube Ltd.
I got an answer from ionCube. This may also be interesting for other plugin/application distributers with the same issue... For ionCube to work with PHP 5.2.x it MUST be integrated into the PHP.INI file.

jeefe007, could you please send me ( PM or via http://www.errtrax.com ) a copy of your PHP.INI file so I can analyse it.

Still won't work

Based on your install.sh script, you define the php.ini file that should be used with the -c operation.

#!/usr/local/bin/php -c /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/spamblocker/shared/php.ini

Would removing that option from all the files make anything work any better?
Here's how I load Ioncube in php.ini...

zend_extension = /usr/local/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so
Hi Welch,

That is a possibility but I need a PHP.INI with specific settings and that is the reason to include my own. What would probably solve the issue is to include a separate PHP.INI for PHP 5.2.x and detect the correct PHP.INI at runtime.

keefe007, Thanks for the 1-liner, that will help but it still means I have to build the PHP file from nothing as I don't have a system with PHP 5.2.x. It would really help me if I could use your PHP.INI as the basis for the PHP 5.2 INI file.

Kind regards,
Hi Welch,

That is a possibility but I need a PHP.INI with specific settings and that is the reason to include my own. What would probably solve the issue is to include a separate PHP.INI for PHP 5.2.x and detect the correct PHP.INI at runtime.

keefe007, Thanks for the 1-liner, that will help but it still means I have to build the PHP file from nothing as I don't have a system with PHP 5.2.x. It would really help me if I could use your PHP.INI as the basis for the PHP 5.2 INI file.

Kind regards,

Perhaps I maybe missing something, but this still doesn't relate to the problem. I went into your php.ini and added the line, like noted by keefe007, the same line in my main php installation.

/usr/local/bin/php -c /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/spamblocker/shared/php.ini -m

[Zend Modules]
Zend Extension Manager
Zend Optimizer
the ionCube PHP Loader

Still, same error.
The PHP.INI file included is for PHP 4.x, that is why I want a 5.2.x PHP.INI so I can see if there are any other issues that need to be addressed.
installatron and rails plugins both had this issue I fixed it on them by adding the lines to php.ini however the same didnt work for this plugin even when I copied the php.ini from another plugin.

The problem seems to be the way php is called by the plugin and isnt using the shared/php.ini for anything other than the index.html which is why changing php.ini doesnt work.
installatron and rails plugins both had this issue I fixed it on them by adding the lines to php.ini however the same didnt work for this plugin even when I copied the php.ini from another plugin.

The problem seems to be the way php is called by the plugin and isnt using the shared/php.ini for anything other than the index.html which is why changing php.ini doesnt work.

I would appreciate any help you can give me with this issue. I'm working with IonCube on this issue but we've not managed to solve it yet. If you know the answer, please let me know.

I did edit index.html to try and make it use the same sort of format as the other plugins I had to create an intermediate php file that is called prior to admin.php since php variables get set, this stopped the ioncube loader error but I then just get a blank screen. Please pm me with email contact info and I can discuss more with you that way.


spamblocker successfully downloaded
plugin.tar.gz extracted
install.sh returned a non-zero value:
Site error: the file /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/spamblocker/scripts/install.sh requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so to be installed by the site administrator.
Error with install script

and other link 32-bit & 64-bit dead ;)

Is there and update on getting the ioncube issue resolved. We updated one of our servers today and are now getting the same ioncube loader error.