SSL certificates with shared IP's is already possible. Just enable SNI in your DirectAdmin config:
Oh awesome, I was not able to find that option when I searched for it. Thanks for letting me know!
SSL certificates with shared IP's is already possible. Just enable SNI in your DirectAdmin config:
Just an update: we've made a few changes to DA, the script and CustomBuild for the pre-release.
So for anyone who wants to try it out, they need to ./build update; ./build rewrite_confs, such that the /.well-known alias gets added to httpd-aliases.conf, pointing to /var/www/html/.well-known. It was previously set to the User's public_html, but that started to get messy with custom DocumentRoot values (can still be used if you have letsencrypt=2, rather than 1, should you not want to use the Alias method)
Challenge is invalid. Details: Error parsing key authorization file: Invalid key authorization: 311 parts
You must have the .well-known Alias pointing to /var/www/html/.well-known, so update your CustomBuild configs:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build rewrite_confs
Just an update: we've made a few changes to DA, the script and CustomBuild for the pre-release.
So for anyone who wants to try it out, they need to ./build update; ./build rewrite_confs, such that the /.well-known alias gets added to httpd-aliases.conf, pointing to /var/www/html/.well-known. It was previously set to the User's public_html, but that started to get messy with custom DocumentRoot values (can still be used if you have letsencrypt=2, rather than 1, should you not want to use the Alias method)
Letsencrypt uses a default key size of 2048, right. Any reason why DirectAdmin has set 4096 as default?
See which recommands using 2048. said:With some suites, the size of the key is the only factor that determines the strength of the key exchange. However, some suites will use RSA for authentication and DH for the key exhchange. In the latter case, the kx strenght is equal to the weaker of two. If you look at your results, you will find that some DH parameters are 1024 bis, which is what is bringing your score down.
"chattr +i" might be a good temporary solution for the san_config
Can you even use let's encrypt with exim? For websites they are single domain only at least.I have some resellers which want whitelabel services. Is it possible to use multiple domains in the exim Let's Encrypt certificate?