Reseller ip issue


Verified User
Sep 15, 2003
The Netherlands

I currently have a reseller that has 2 ip's, one shared and one dedicated for SSL. But the intention was this reseller wouldn't be able to use the main server ip, as that's shared for other websites. This because i believe his sites may attract some ddosses. If that would happen i can simply disable the two ip's assigned to him (although i don't know if DA would like it).
But now my problem, he is able to add sites to the main server ip... At the moment he has more than 20 sites running with the main server IP, this would mean if my firewall wouldn't be able to counteract the DDOS i'm expecting, it would mean i have to take the entire server down. Not a real good solution...

So when i see the reseller details at CMD_SHOW_RESELLER?user=...., i see 'Can use server IP', where can i turn this off ?

And how can i move all these websites to his own IPs, without having to delete and recreate them ?

Last question; if a DDOS happens and i want to take the IP down, can i just delete them from DA or use a ifconfig command (does that work for virtual interfaces?) ?

Thanks in advance

(Sorry for my bad english...)
check the reseller package specs (admin panel->manage reseller packages) for the reseller package you have assigned to him.

the very last checkbox/option should be "Share Server IP"

You may need to remove the IP from his ip.list file:

