Reseller limits not working in certain situation


Verified User
Jul 29, 2020

i didn't found anything like it so here it goes (if that's posted somewhere than sry :). I have a user who is a reseller with quota of 25gb. He migrated he's users from other hosting company using user_backup dir and restore option. As we discovered, 5 from 10 of he's users had quota of 50gb on he's old hosting company but they were imported without any issue. Directadmin ignored their quota and in addition allowed creation of 5 more users with normal 5gb quota. So that ended with 10 users (5 with 50gb and 5 with 5gb quota). After adding those 5 last users Directadmin realised reseller quota is now gone with 25gb and is not allowing to create more users. That created a lot of confusion on how that is even possible etc.. reseller can't even change user quotas to lower them (error saying quota exceeded - that is understandable as he has too many users with too many quota and changing one user down is not a solution with quota that high) nor any user package. Admin can only do that now.

Any solution to this situation ?
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What issue do you need a solution for?

When creating backups and restoring users, directadmin disables user's disk quotas. If not to disable them, the process will be interrupted as soon as a limit on disk space is hit. I would rather have an user over quota after a restore, but not manual cleaning of a half-restored account.

So what is your question? I would ask the following:

- Why users disk space turned out to be over quota? Were they over quota before backuping? If not, then probably backups moved to the new server are counted in their disk usage. You might remove backups, if this is the case.

- Is the reseller account over allocated disk quota too? Then a removal of backups should solve the issue too.

Or you ask something else different?
Let's say my client has reseller account somewhere with quota 200gb overall and 20 users with different quotas(some up to 40gb) using let's say 10% of the resellers quota (user using 3gb for real but had quota 40gb on old server). He is migrating to us. Directadmin will let him create those via restore option and in this situation reseller will be locked out of creating/editing users or his reseller packages. And this is the problem we had. Even that he has a free space, his total allocation for current users will exceed his quota (25gb in this example) and he will be locked out with creating or editing(to change quotas down) users. In this case available space is 25gb, allocated 200Gb and used 19 gb. If that is a expected behaviour than well we can live with it i guess. I just imagined it works a little bit different.
If you sum up allocated space for the 20 users, it will be more than 200Gb? Is the reseller account allowed to oversell on your server?

If this is the case, you will need either to allow overselling for the user, i.e. allocate more resources, or to make users quota to fit the reseller's limit.
Overselling is off for now. But yes to resolve this it's either enabling overselling or just extend reseller quota for the time of quota correction him.