Roundcube - External Emails Are Not Working

just follow to the URL that log mention.
I did domain verification, and nothing changed. It's not related to the problem I'm having at all.
I need every single new user who registers with the host, as I mentioned in my example, like ( to be able to create via DirectAdmin email account and use it, without me or anybody else setting up an email for them manually.

It also does not answer the question of why nothing is working when CSF is ON and does not answer the question of why it says that there is an authentication problem when I can actually send email from ([email protected]) without problems if CSF is Off.
I did domain verification, and nothing changed. It's not related to the problem I'm having at all.
I need every single new user who registers with the host, as I mentioned in my example, like ( to be able to create via DirectAdmin email account and use it, without me or anybody else setting up an email for them manually.

Then you’re not going to be able to use an SMTP service that requires domain verification. Go with MailChannels or instead of spamgrid, both your wallet and your customers will thank you for not sending out of that spam infested rats nest.
Check the The SMTP_BLOCK function in CSF
That has been fixed. I had to disable SMTP_BLOCK in CSF and it wors now. I found an option that will override the SMTP_BLOCK if you specify the user and group on the OS level that will be able to run SMTP files, however, I have this field empty (I don't know the proper user for that setting).

Anyways, it's working just fine now. CSF is enabled and I can send emails.
Then you’re not going to be able to use an SMTP service that requires domain verification. Go with MailChannels or instead of spamgrid, both your wallet and your customers will thank you for not sending out of that spam infested rats nest.
I've read about the MailChannels, it's a very good service, but quite expensive. Is there a way to use SendGrid or Mail Baby for the outbound emails, and stock Dovecot for the inbound?

Or is there an alternative for the Inbound/Outbound service for less?
I also want to mention that Postfix is not a necessity as I've been texting before. I realized how DirectAdmin works and Exis is an SMTP server, but Dovecot - IMAP/POP3.

To setup SendGrid or any other SMTP services, use this solution:

Confirmed to be working on Centos 7 in Google Cloud.

My problem right now is that I need to be able to send emails, which I can't do. And new users registering with the host can't use emails.

I know it's a problem with Dovecot (IMAP Settings), but I don't know how to make it works.
As I said, I have remote SMTP with SendGrid connected and working for outbound emails.

Please, help!
I've read about the MailChannels, it's a very good service, but quite expensive. Is there a way to use SendGrid or Mail Baby for the outbound emails, and stock Dovecot for the inbound?

Or is there an alternative for the Inbound/Outbound service for less? is super easy to setup and they have instructions ready to go:

They offer port 2525 for example, to help with your situation. Technically they beat me to a service I want to provide, so this is me recommending a competitor in my mind. They’re good people and they do good work. By comparison, this is what I think about sendgrid: is super easy to setup and they have instructions ready to go:

They offer port 2525 for example, to help with your situation. Technically they beat me to a service I want to provide, so this is me recommending a competitor in my mind. They’re good people and they do good work. By comparison, this is what I think about sendgrid:
Do they provide Inbound as well? I couldn't find it anywhere on their website. I see only outbound.
Do they provide Inbound as well? I couldn't find it anywhere on their website. I see only outbound.
Oh I didn’t think about that. They don’t. That’s gonna be rough. I have ideas but I’m not sure they’re reasonable.

If you put a postfix relay in front and have it relay inbound over a different port you’re gonna have spam up to your eyeballs without an exceptionally complex build out. The IP whitelist files with DA that would make it easy to whitelist the postfix server would also turn you into an open relay for mail it relays and you wouldn’t be able to limit that inbound in the same way the DA server does by default without syncing recipient lists and limiting inbound to them. Then everything breaks SPF/DMARC so you’d need your own filtering system on the postfix relay. My head hurts at the thought of what you’re going to go through.