Running slave DNS on a non-DA server using Multi-Server feature?


Verified User
May 30, 2003
Hi guys,

I've seen a few threads on the subject, but I'm looking for a definitive answer on this one (and there is very little documentation on the new multi-server feature).

Let me make clear: I am trying to clarify how to run Slave DNS on a remote server with NO directadmin installed, but using the Multi-Server feature provided by DA on the Master server. Please do not suggest using 3rd party tools. I am aware they exist, this is not the answer I am trying to elicit by posting this thread.

Based on what I have read, John has allowed away to make a connection from a DA server to another server over any port.

Using this feature - how can the remote server be setup to obtain all necessary DNS information from the Master (DA) server and automatically configure and update a slave named.conf had have a fully functional Slave DNS setup on another machine, without DA being installed on that remote machine?

Your answers are very much appreciated! Thanks guys!