Seeking Assistance with License Activation and Support Response (license is IP restricted)


Verified User
Mar 29, 2024
Hello fellow DirectAdmin users,

I'm reaching out to share some challenges I've recently encountered with activating a DirectAdmin license on a new VPS and seeking your guidance or insights if you've faced and overcome similar issues.

Three days ago, I attempted to install DirectAdmin on our new VPS, anticipating a straightforward process, given it's a product we've invested in with a lifetime license. Unfortunately, the installation has been anything but smooth, and I've found myself in a cycle of back-and-forth communication with DirectAdmin support. Instead of progressing towards a resolution, it feels more like an interrogation, with a continuous stream of questions rather than actionable solutions.

I understand the importance of thorough support, but as time ticks by, the urgency to get DirectAdmin up and running intensifies. The situation has led me to a frustrating standstill, questioning the viability of lifetime licenses under such circumstances, especially when there seems to be a push towards monthly subscriptions.

Has anyone here experienced similar hurdles with license activation or support? How did you navigate the situation? Any advice or insights would be immensely appreciated. I'm also considering the possibility of filing a consumer complaint but would much prefer to resolve this directly and amicably with DirectAdmin.

Thank you in advance for any help or guidance you can offer.

Warm regards,
Well, how did you optain the license? Did you recently buy it or did you buy it years ago?
We've been a DirectAdmin client for years and we have purchased our licenses a long time ago
in the past,
lifetime license only support 90days since you bought license ( maybe i'm wrong. It use be around like this ), after that, no more support ticket.

you might activate same license on multiple server ( leaks license key ).
Okay, well because there has been a lot of abuse with lifetime licenses they need to be provided now with more info before they release the license.

For example sale of a lifetime licenses was prohibited but still it happened, so i guess you have to probably provide info and wait for them to check.
Instead of progressing towards a resolution, it feels more like an interrogation, with a continuous stream of questions rather than actionable solutions.
There is a lot of abuse going on with lifetime licenses, so they are entitled to questions, especially because you are not entitled to ticket support for a long time.

You have been registered on the forums since 2019, never wrote a thing, might not have been needed.
But if you're having issues, first place to post your problem is on the forums, not the ticket system.

Do you have external or internal lifetime? Or what kind, because of the ip restricted in your title?

So I would suggest to answer DA's questions or start here with posting the exact error notices you get, because "license expired" can have various reasons for example.
Thank you for your prompt responses. I would like to bring to your attention that my current support request does not involve technical support for the software itself. Instead, I am encountering an issue directly related to the use of my purchased lifetime licenses.

The error message I've encountered in the DirectAdmin log is as follows:

"checking license error=transient license check failure: license is IP restricted and is not allowed."

Interestingly, while I am able to change my license IP, my attempts are hindered by an existing IP restriction set in my DirectAdmin client area. Attempting to modify this restriction results in the following message:

"Modifying your IP restrictions has been disabled. Contact support for more information."

Given this situation, it is crucial for my operations that this IP restriction issue is resolved as soon as possible. I have reached out to DirectAdmin support previously, but the focus seems to be on persuading me to abandon my lifetime licenses rather than addressing the problem at hand.

I respectfully request that we focus on resolving this IP restriction issue to allow the continued use of my purchased licenses. Your understanding and prompt resolution of this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Oke that makes things more clear.

Exactly which kind of lifetime license did you buy? Because there are multiple versions of lifetime licenses, including versions where ip changes are limited.

I understand as for a company it's crucial that an ip restriction is resolved.
However, I don't understand why it would be hard to just answer all of DA's support questions, interrogation or not. If all is well, just answers the questions quickly and then your issue will be resolved more quickly.
but the focus seems to be on persuading me to abandon my lifetime licenses rather than addressing the problem at hand.
Oh I missed that one. That is very blunt and a load of BS of your side. They have all the right to ask you some validation questions.
If these are retail licenses, refer to this thread for instructions on removing auto-lock or IP restrictions. If it is a datacenter (internal) account then view this thread. Datacenter accounts are subject to further verification but this verification costs nothing and follows industry-standard practices of registering formally owned/leased IP space to the account.
"$89 Internal Lifetime License (You Install)"
Oke that makes things more clear.

Exactly which kind of lifetime license did you buy? Because there are multiple versions of lifetime licenses, including versions where ip changes are limited.

I understand as for a company it's crucial that an ip restriction is resolved.
However, I don't understand why it would be hard to just answer all of DA's support questions, interrogation or not. If all is well, just answers the questions quickly and then your issue will be resolved more quickly.
Oh I missed that one. That is very blunt and a load of BS of your side. They have all the right to ask you some validation questions.
It's worth noting that the time for detailed inquiries seemed more opportune when payments were being processed. Couldn't these questions have been addressed then?
It would be more efficient if all questions were listed at once. Stretching this out over three days feels more like an interrogation than support.
Couldn't these questions have been addressed then?
Maybe the were, but things can change in the meantime. There is not a single reason why it can not be re-validated.
Stretching it out over 3 days is most likely because you just didn't answer the questions asked.

We don't sell VPS or dedicated server; we develop software
Then you were not entitled to an internal license anyway. You should have bought an external license. And if you did get an internal license, then DA was too nice again, but ofcourse there are ip restrictions in that case.
Maybe the were, but things can change in the meantime. There is not a single reason why it can not be re-validated.
Stretching it out over 3 days is most likely because you just didn't answer the questions asked.
I'm starting to wonder if you're part of their support team. But if you were, you'd likely know I've responded to all their queries. The real issue is the delay in their responses—it takes hours to get a reply, only to be met with another question.

Then you were not entitled to an internal license anyway. You should have bought an external license. And if you did get an internal license, then DA was too nice again, but ofcourse there are ip restrictions in that case.
It doesn't align with our operations as we don't directly use these VPSs and dedicated servers. Our model involves deploying our software on these platforms before transferring them to our clients.
The deeper we delve into this issue, the more it raises concerns about DirectAdmin's reliability. Probably others are experiencing similar doubts too.
I'm starting to wonder if you're part of their support team.
I would love to be, but unfortuntaly I'm not. However I do have experience with support and with both internal and external licenses. If thinks take that long, then must be a reason. And if it takes a few hours, then they are very busy. Which is normal.
Before weekends, and especially before longer weekends like Easter, people want to have things fixed before the weekend and amounts of tickets rise. We also see that in our business.
Since you say you are already busy 3 days with this, then sorry if I don't believe you that you answered everything correctly.

It doesn't align with our operations as we don't directly use these VPSs and dedicated servers. Our model involves deploying our software on these platforms before transferring them to our clients.
LoL. So what is your website then? You still didn't shown or answered that question.
Then first you say you don't sell VPS, after that you say now you don't directly use them, but deploy software and then transfer them to clients?

Just for fun I've put a .com behind your forum name. I see a website were nothing can be done. So I did a little check myself, and the website is the same under construction for 4 years. So nobody can order from there.

Probably others are experiencing similar doubts too.
Only the ones abusing the licenses until now.
Dude, perhaps seeking a therapist would be more beneficial than aspiring to join DA's support team. It makes me wonder about the support team's composition if it included someone with such a passive approach.
It makes me wonder about the support team's composition if it included someone with such a passive approach.
Dude, perhaps answering questions is helping you more then starting flames against people here or DA.
It just adds to the mistrust you are creating by not answering the quesion and raises the thought that you are abusing licenses.

I don't need seeking a therapist for that. A lot of us are mad, because we lifetime holders now lose newer MariaDB and maybe more, because the lack of income DA has because of the massive license abuse.

So logical they ask you valid questions, and since you can't even answer 1 valid question to me, seems I cought you in the act.