Server Problem with Mysql


Verified User
Oct 26, 2003
Western Australia
I have the following problem with a server with DA. The server keeps deleting the mysql.sock file in /var/lib/mysql. This is the error file:

mysqld started

Cant start server: Bind on TCP/IP port: address already in use

Do you already have another mysqld server running on port 3306


/usr/bin/mysqld: Shutdown complete

mysqld ended.

This proceedure goes on for almost two hours then the server sends a message that mysql is down.

Your help with this problem would highly be appreciated, as this situation is becoming very frustrating.
It explains the problem already, something else is running on that port.
I suspect a zombie daemon or xinetd (like usual)...

You should take a peek at your xinetd config, if that's indeed the problem remove the port binding for that port.

But if it started without strange things, why not try a server reboot, not a real solution, but it should correct any problems there were with something that worked before (if there weren't ANY changes, that is).
Yes that is a solution which I have already exercised, but I wanted to pinpoint the cause, could it be an offending database running an irc bot or program? this is frustraiting as you reboot, which causes the file mysql.sock to replicate then it wipes out again. Thanks for your reply.