server problems with pop3 or imap install

Verified User
Aug 13, 2023
I want to use a pop3 or imap emailaddress via my website in Outlook. But Outlook can't find the server(s). So, which server do I have to use: from my website or from cchosting?

Hello Marja.

You have to contact your host for this.
It was already made clear to you last year in august 2023 (click) that this forum is not intended for support to end customers of hosting company's.

This forum is only intended for support to Directadmin license holders, so admins (and sometimes resellers). Which is not you.
I would like to (again) ask you to contact your host for support. He is the best to explain anyway which server to use or investigate why something is not working.
correct me if I'm wrong: this forum belongs to Ccchosting isn't? Mij website is on the server of Ccchosting and that email issue has to do with the server of Ccchosting. At least I thought so......

Please re-read website URL.
which part you think it belong to ?
At least I thought so......
No. Your CCChosting might make use of the Directadmin panel and even might point to this forum for support. Some hosters do that since they are to lazy to provide support themselves. But that's a fault on their side.
The forum belongs to Directadmin itself, which is the creator/developer of the panel.

If there are issues which can't be solved, then the admin can make use of the forum since he's the only one which can access system related applications (like the mail server) and has root access. Both things customers never have.
Next to that, a hoster could for example prevent email usage, which we couldn't fix than anyway, we don't have insight on servers or what admins to with them, which is why we only talk directly to admins, they are the only ones able to see what they did on the system.

So sorry, but unfortunately you thought wrong.
