service.named stopped


Verified User
Dec 3, 2021
Hi guys,

I have an issue that I can't start service.named on DA panel directly. I get below error.

I'm running DA on Ubuntu 20.04 server.

Any help is more than welcome.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,
Does your license match the OS installed?
Because Ubuntu does not use named. It uses bind.

Have a look at this:

and this as solution:
Does your license match the OS installed?
Because Ubuntu does not use named. It uses bind.

Have a look at this:

and this as solution:
If this is the case, shouldn't DA developers remove named service from the interface for ubuntu installations?
It confused the hell out of me too until I finally did named -v and saw that it was called bind.
If this is the case, shouldn't DA developers remove named service from the interface for ubuntu installations?
It confused the hell out of me too until I finally did named -v and saw that it was called bind.
You are correct lucian.gratitude

The license version is correct and checked, still not working, marked as stopped and can't start from DA portal.

When I want to enable this again using
systemctl enable bind9.service

I get below error:

Failed to enable unit: Unit /run/systemd/generator.late/named.backup.service is transient or generated.

Any suggestions are still welcome to fix this one.

Thanks in advance.
@Admin A Any admins? This seems critical to me, it should be fixed ASAP, otherwise the error logs will take-up the whole server space eventually.
Admins should do some learning about basic commands, but I won't refuse help if I can.

From my link in post #2:
To have DA call bind9.service, add this line to the directadmin.conf file:

I presume you know how to edit a file. The directadmin.conf can be found in the /usr/local/directadmin/conf directory.
Yes it's scary, you have to use SSH.... as root! ;)

Once done, save that file and restart directadmin:
service directadmin restart
note this command in admin classes as the "service <servicename> restart" command can be used to restart almost any service. As you can see from the following.

Having that said... try to restart bind and see if it works.
service bind9 restart

Oh yes... do these restart commands also via SSH as root, so you can see any error message if they appear.
If there are no error messages, you should be fine and can restart services (if needed) via the panel again later.
You need to paste below command in your directadmin.conf

location of this file:

use below command to get into the file:
nano /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf

Add above command inside the config and use CTRL+O and press ENTER, then CTRL+X to close.

After that restart directadmin with:
sudo service directadmin restart

This fixed my problem. Hope this helps you as well.
Also, yes I just tried your solution and it doesn't work. I managed to add named_service_override=bind9 to directadmin.conf and reloaded directadmin but cannot for the love of god reload bind9.
Failed to reload bind9.service: Unit bind9.service not found.
Admins should do some learning about basic commands, but I won't refuse help if I can.

From my link in post #2:
To have DA call bind9.service, add this line to the directadmin.conf file:

I presume you know how to edit a file. The directadmin.conf can be found in the /usr/local/directadmin/conf directory.
Yes it's scary, you have to use SSH.... as root! ;)

Once done, save that file and restart directadmin:
service directadmin restart
note this command in admin classes as the "service <servicename> restart" command can be used to restart almost any service. As you can see from the following.

Having that said... try to restart bind and see if it works.
service bind9 restart

Oh yes... do these restart commands also via SSH as root, so you can see any error message if they appear.
If there are no error messages, you should be fine and can restart services (if needed) via the panel again later.
Thank you for the drill Richard.

I am comfortable with using SSH no worries, unfortunately the solution does not work.
I know you have over 7 thousand messages on this forum and you probably get bored and many times annoyed with users but don't forget that new users really appreciate the help and I really like the software and the new theme is killing it.
Getting back to posterity, again, please be as explicit as you always are and thank you for your contribution, I am honored.
Any other ideas why it's still not working for me?
After doing the steps and trying to reload bind9 in different combinations (including restart) I get:
Failed to reload bind9.service: Unit bind9.service not found.

And this still here:

Admins should do some learning about basic commands, but I won't refuse help if I can.
You are maybe the only one, or one of a few, who always explains the circumstances and let people learning too. I was always in a struggle with linuxadmins, who dont teach, and forum participants, who says you must learn linux before. And I guess there are some more. I want to express my deep thanksfulness for this kind of help, to teach how we can learn and beome better ourselfes. Thank you!
ps - i copied a lot of new information from your posts, in my adventure...
I know you have over 7 thousand messages on this forum and you probably get bored and many times annoyed with users but don't forget that new users really appreciate the help and I really like the software and the new theme is killing it.
FYI. My amount of posts doesn't matter. I'm helping here as kind of a hobby. I will never ever forget that new users appreciate all the help they can get. I've been there, that's why I'm doing it. So I won't get annoyed quickly.

But I do believe that people who want to be admins, should at least know some basics, like working with an editor and restarting services and especially do some looking around on where the most important files (like directadmin.conf and options.conf reside.
So if you know your way around with SSH as you say, and know how to work with an editor, the first link in my post #2 should in fact not be any issue for anyone with basic knowledge. So that's why I might respond a bit like drill, but it was not intended negatively.

However, thank you for your kind words (and Johannes too). Unfortunately, I'm not and don't pretend to be a Linux guru either. If I don't know something I will just bluntly admin it. And since I almost never worked with Debian an Debian related, I don't know further.

See the link of Lucian, it might be some debian (-related) issue.
Check the /etc/systemd/system directory (I hope that is the same in Debian/Ubuntu) for the presence of any bind or bindX (where X is some number) file.
Or does it only contain named.service?

If not then check if bind is installed properly. Not sure, but probably it's this command:
dpkg -s bind9

If it is, hopefully somebody else can help you further or maybe the solution will be in the other thread with similar problem, as my Debian bind knowledge ends here, sorry.
I just found this thread, which might very well be related as there was an issue then. Maybe some way it dissapeared again from

Check it please.
maybe the command is looking again in systemd instead of init.d.

Lucian, in the /etc/init.d directory check for any bind9 presence.
I followed that thread but I found no bind9 file in init.d and systemctl bind9 status does not work for Ubuntu Focal. There are quite a lot of threads on this bug. For some OS the fixes work, but not for all.
Here is what I get after doing your command:

lucian@server:/etc$ sudo dpkg -s bind9
[sudo] password for lucian:
Package: bind9
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: net
Installed-Size: 868
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <[email protected]>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 1:9.16.1-0ubuntu2.9
Replaces: bind (<< 1:9.13.6~)
Depends: adduser, bind9-libs (= 1:9.16.1-0ubuntu2.9), bind9-utils (= 1:9.16.1-0ubuntu2.9), debconf | debconf-2.0, dns-root-data, lsb-base (>= 3.2-14), iproute2, netbase, libc6 (>= 2.7), libcap2 (>= 1:2.10), libjson-c4 (>= 0.13.1), liblmdb0 (>= 0.9.7), libmaxminddb0 (>= 1.3.0), libssl1.1 (>= 1.1.0), libxml2 (>= 2.7.4), zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4)
Pre-Depends: init-system-helpers (>= 1.54~)
Suggests: bind-doc, dnsutils, resolvconf, ufw
Breaks: bind (<< 1:9.13.6~)
 /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.named 34502426376b676b22e36c63d3cbb5a9
 /etc/bind/bind.keys b6d32dd16ced89ad2b0fdb8f3bee7aab
 /etc/bind/db.0 8aba258068c8c60a7ade3952a285f57d
 /etc/bind/db.127 64f5cf50e8d8192109dad43b779e5e36
 /etc/bind/db.255 8aba258068c8c60a7ade3952a285f57d
 /etc/bind/db.empty 4e7a0ebff9a8936e5a72ec18c0c49214
 /etc/bind/db.local e5d27ead2d238928a08d33c7a7333477
 /etc/bind/named.conf 32be43ecfcb37f69bf967c15c368e184
 /etc/bind/named.conf.default-zones 9fbdc4657090b3b2a45f7e7b8468cf96
 /etc/bind/named.conf.local fb15a27656eafd86ff870effabc72f1e
 /etc/bind/named.conf.options 642e258554b7bd95f4fc71062ca82101
 /etc/bind/zones.rfc1918 d04252b4368b66e28376f92613842888
 /etc/default/named 0fcf4e70d1d3811d13a1f7b52fd5e384
 /etc/init.d/named 2f033c8e309de34d6ae67fca64292598
 /etc/insserv.conf.d/bind9 2f36010c32cff9acc445bb9b577aecf7
 /etc/network/if-down.d/bind9 dd11845d860cd2e30dce8556aa478eb2
 /etc/network/if-up.d/bind9 dd11845d860cd2e30dce8556aa478eb2
 /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/bind9 dd11845d860cd2e30dce8556aa478eb2
 /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/bind9 dd11845d860cd2e30dce8556aa478eb2
 /etc/ufw/applications.d/bind9 ac2316819866611a68b976db9125c9a7
Description: Internet Domain Name Server
 The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND 9) implements an Internet domain
 name server.  BIND 9 is the most widely-used name server software on the
 Internet, and is supported by the Internet Software Consortium,
 This package provides the server and related configuration files.
Original-Maintainer: Debian DNS Team <[email protected]>
There are indeed several threads about this. I've seen you replying in another one too. Lets keep all info in 1 thread, which is also easier for DA support staff if they need to fix something.

So lets keep all info and results in this thread: