Several errors in scripts directory


Verified User
Sep 17, 2008
Lieksa, Finland
I reported a pretty annoying problem some time ago - some of the core PHP scripts had open short tags (<?) instead of long ones (<?php). Today I ran the script in the scripts directory and it broke the user completely, removing vhost and doing other nasty things. After manually recreating the vhost for her and making sure everything worked I had a look and - lo and behold - there were several scripts with open short tags still used!!!!

The result, of course, is that if open_short_tags is disabled (and this is the case in all fresh PHP installations - being mandatory from 5.3 on) the scripts will only be echoed on screen, not run.

This is a two-month-old installation of DA so I believe they are still around. I am making this public to warn everybody - DO NOT run any scripts before changing all instances of <? to <?php or you will have to quite a lot of manual checking.

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I've just added the <?php to the few scripts that didn't have it, but I'm not sure if that's related to the issues you've described.

The script does not use php at all, so I'm not clear on the issue there. I see no relation to to the script and php.
Perhaps you could clarify for me the association you've made betwen them.

Can you expand on what you mean by:
"it broke the user completely, removing vhost and doing other nasty things."

I'll need specific details on what you mean by "removing the vhost" .. and what "other nasty things" you're referring to.
Regarding the vhost, what was left in the file? Was the whole httpd.conf file missing? etc..

Okay, this has been fixed by the support now and everything should be working fine from now on if you have updated scripts in your directory. I have to admit that I still find some old include files in my ancient scripts that make use of short tags.

Anyhow, this was a small issue as the customer was barely created and without a database.
