Sharing on VPS platform


Verified User
Feb 24, 2005
Hong Kong
As CentOS 6 will soon EOL in around 2020, it's time to study next step.

We have been running OpenVZ for years (over 10 years) with DirectAdmin.
However, it seems OpenVZ 7 (or called Virtuozzo Linux 7) is not so active recently (at least its forum).

Do you run DirectAdmin on top of Docker, or run on Virtuozzo Linux 7? or other suggestions?

Thank you very much for your sharing.

KVM or OpenVZ/Virtuozzo!

As CentOS 6 will soon EOL in around 2020, it's time to study next step.

We have been running OpenVZ for years (over 10 years) with DirectAdmin.
However, it seems OpenVZ 7 (or called Virtuozzo Linux 7) is not so active recently (at least its forum).

Do you run DirectAdmin on top of Docker, or run on Virtuozzo Linux 7? or other suggestions?

Thank you very much for your sharing.


For real vps I prefer KVM or OpenVZ/Virtuozzo. For KVM security and OpenVZ/Virtuozzo performance.

Docker is intended for use in local development environments.
2020 maybe some better platform will release and eazy to setup, or no vps anymore haha...