Floyd, your post confused me a bit so I did a bit of checking...
I actually logged on to the system hosting nobaloney.net and used an existing mailuser name (which I've renamed to
xxx for the purpose of this discussion.
My system uses Maildir; if you use mbox, your experience may vary, but if you're updating from Uebimiau to Squirrelmail you should probaby update to Maildir at the same time anyway.
Note that this still needs a lot more testing before anyone expects it to work without error; that's why I'm NOT creating it as a HowTo.
First, I found the mailusername xxx had a subdirectory at:
In that subdirectory I found the following:
[root@da12 xxx_nobaloney.net_localhost]# ls -al
total 40
drwx------ 8 apache apache 4096 Jul 24 2006 .
drwx------ 147 apache apache 12288 Apr 23 09:57 ..
drwx------ 2 apache apache 4096 Jul 24 2006 _attachments
drwx------ 2 apache apache 4096 May 17 11:03 inbox
drwx------ 2 apache apache 4096 Jul 24 2006 _infos
drwx------ 2 apache apache 4096 May 17 11:07 saved-email
drwx------ 2 apache apache 4096 Jul 24 2006 sent
drwx------ 2 apache apache 4096 Jul 24 2006 trash
[root@da12 xxx_nobaloney.net_localhost]#
The contents of _attachments and _infos could conceivably create a problem, especially for attachments; you might want to do some testing to figure out how to move attachments because attachments in the _attachments directory will certainly not be available for Squirrelmail using IMAP. the _infos directory simply hold the preferences, which will probably be useless in the Squirrelmail environment; don't forget to tell your users to create new preferences in Squirrelmail.
The inbox directory was empty. I don't even know why it exists, or what it's for, since at least in the DirectAdmin implementation, Uebimiau keeps incoming email in the original inbox set up by the system.
The sent directory was also empty, because this particular user doesn't save a copy of sent email. If your users do, you'll have to move the directory contents.
The trash directory was also empty. If I were going to do the conversion I'd (after giving my clients warning) not bother to move the trash directory, which would have the effect of deleting it.
That leaves
saved_email, which in the case of this user is a Uebimiau folder which needs to be moved.
Next thing to do is remove the index cache from your IMAP message store for the same mailusername; it'll be rebuilt by IMAP automatically as needed.
# cd /home/nobaloney/imap/nobaloney.net/xxx/Maildir/
# rm -Rf dovecot*
If the IMAP folder of the same name as the Uebimiau folder doesn't exist create it, with a
. prefix as follows:
# mkdir .saved-email
# chmod 770 .saved-email
# chown nobalone:mail .saved_email
Now create the file structure for the new mail folder:
# cd .saved-email
# mkdir cur new tmp
# chmod 770 cur new tmp
# chown nobaloney:mail cur new tmp
Now move the contents of the Uebimiau folder to the new folder you've just created:
# mv /var/www/html/webmail/tmp/xxx_nobaloney.net_localhost/saved_email/* new/
Then add the new folder name to the subscriptions file. Edit the file at (in my case)
/home/nobaloney/imap/nobaloney.net/xxx/Maildir/subscriptions, and add the new folder name on a line of it's own. Do not use a leading
. character.
Now the Squirrelmail should work.
But TEST, TEST, TEST. I make no guarantees and I could have easily left something out
Once you know this works, we'll move further; maybe have someone write a script.