So i installed DA on Debian 12


Verified User
Mar 26, 2023
Hello people,

I installed Direct Admin on Debian 12, all works like charm.
Installed Softaculous, also works like a charm..

But.. there is always a but..

When i start up the server i noticed a networking services error.. it failed to start the networking services.
Now everything works fine.. but why does it not start the networking services?
When i run the Journactl i get the following:

Screenshot 2024-05-23 193455.png
and after running the command for details i get :

Screenshot 2024-05-23 202736.png

Is this an install issue or a Contabo issue?

It failed to bring up eth0?

Best regards,

Hello Yahua,

So the server's network works fine or not? IS the server accessible over the network?

If not, then see you've got the error:

RTNETLINK answers: Permission denied

Do you use DHCP? Or static settings? IF the second, you might check the network settings for possible errors or typos.

Now everything works fine.. but why does it not start the networking services?
Hello Yahua,

So the server's network works fine or not? IS the server accessible over the network?

If not, then see you've got the error:

RTNETLINK answers: Permission denied

Do you use DHCP? Or static settings? IF the second, you might check the network settings for possible errors or typos.
That is the strange thing about it.. the server works fine, and even installed two websites on it. No problem, not even slow website loading or some sort of delay. Apache works fine. So i really don't understand why it is not working correctly.

It is a static ip adress.

Some time in the morning today i got the same error, and the server was inaccesable, i tried everything, but couldn't fix it. And the Apache was also down the strange thing was, the whole internet at my house started doing strange things. My iphone gave a a warning that my network was unsafe.. although i am going off topic now, but could it be related?

So eventually i reinstalled Debian and Direct Admin. Now all is good except the network service..
Did you enter an ipv6 into DA? That might maybe cause the issue.
Because with Contabo you do have ipv6 but you have to enable it via console to get it working.

Oke if not, check your /etc/network/interfaces file.
See if there are multiple gateway entry's in there. If yes, make sure only one exists.