[Solved] csf: Security Error: No valid session key


Verified User
Feb 9, 2020

I have an issue with "ConfigServer Security & Firewall"

On my PC I get this error when open it:
Security Error: No valid session key
Information saved to [/var/lib/csf/da1608465420.error]

But in my smartphone it's working.

So what is the problem and how can I fix this?
It wasn't like this before.

Can you try connect with your IP and check result,

because you should use subdomain with DA and not use www.domain.com as your DA Panel
Yes, with the direct IP it's working, but with the domain it's not.
How can I fix this?
As I said, until now it was ok with the domain.
I'm using CustomBuild, and I don't have any update there, So I guess I already have the last version of CSF.
I updated yesterday one of the plugins or something but I don't remember which one was it, maybe "letsencrypt.sh.2.0.10".
And maybe it changed something?
Try logging out and in again, this may solve it.
agree, sometimes helps for me too, for example if previously I was logged in few hours ago, looks like session expired but CSF tries to use old key.
Basically I have already tried to logout/login, it didn't help.
So I clean cookies,temp files etc in the browser and it's ok now.

Thank you all.
But someone there said that it's not a good solution for that.
You might want to read a bit better. He said it was a workaround not a solution. With a real solution there would be no need to create that file to skip the checks.

Try logging out and in again, this may solve it.
Collegue admin is having this issue too regularly. Logging out and in did not help, waiting for session expiration of using other browser did.
Security Error: No valid session key
Information saved to [/var/lib/csf/da........

Today it happened with me to the first time i don't know why.
Fixed with full restart to CSF/LFD
csf -ra
@Migdiradmin fresh discussion also here: https://forum.directadmin.com/threads/directadmin-v1-644-has-been-released.67154/page-2
For me this explanation OK: https://forum.directadmin.com/threads/directadmin-v1-644-has-been-released.67154/post-353382
because there are 8 support staff who periodically logins to same servers from local network, so we all have common external IP but different local IPs so maybe session files not compatible with each other.
Thanks for that.
I dont think is that because i I have same IP, same browser, same pc, only started yesterday this problem in 2 years.
Today my server shows error when I configure the firewall:
Security Error: No valid session key

When I logout and then login, it works again