Source code Evolution Skin


Verified User
May 5, 2009
Hello. Is it possible to download the source code of a skin somewhere to make a skin based on it? As far as I understand, editing files that are in the skin will not work and it is the files with the source code that are needed.
I'd strongly suggest not doing this (to keep up with the updates and bugfixes). Evolution supports Custom CSS feature, and lots of customizations under "Customize Evolution Skin", a lot of things can be done here. We're going to provide ability of sub-theming it completely as well. If these pre-cautions do not stop you from still wanting to 'fork' the skin - I can send source files to you privately (they're not announced publicly to avoid 'forking' and going the sub-theme'ing route, causing new features missing in the skin and new bugs introduced). We might post some sub-theming examples soon :)
We need changes that are not possible through css, for example, add a few buttons and other functionality from our internal system into the page itself. We now have this implemented in the current skin and we want to leave it in a new one so that the user does not need to be re-trained. On this, if possible, please send the source code.
If later there will be some opportunity to change the skin in some other way, perhaps we will move to a new method of change.
Yes, but this would be possible with vue.js (that's what sub-theming would let you to do) :) Let's wait a bit until we get it ready, this should be released very soon, okay?
Yes, maybe this is what will suit us. Let's wait for the release. Thank.
Yes, but this would be possible with vue.js (that's what sub-theming would let you to do) :) Let's wait a bit until we get it ready, this should be released very soon, okay?

Make it look like this, so it looks neater
I just make on inspect element so I not apply to skin, and I hope that in the future it will have the appearance of resource usage in the sidebar for cloudlinux like in cpanel.
Is it still possible to obtain the source of the evolution skin?
I want to be able to customize it more than colors and custom css.
What are you looking for? Maybe it can be implemented natively? Adding new fixes/features/changes to your own skin would need lots of efforts, and usually lots of support :) If something can be added natively - this might be the best.
I used to do custom extras. Like printing some system variables, using custom scripts with printing output, custom images, video embeds. Actually a lot of changes/additions. It doesn't need a lot of effort tho, few script here and there, custom PHP inside, custom HTML, custom JavaScript. And some fixes once in a while when there is new version coming out (like Let's Encrypt support). Some features of single plugin depending on package customer has etc.

I love the way I was able to customize enhanced skin.
Some features of single plugin depending on package customer has etc.
Why not to use plugins as package items feature for this?

Like printing some system variables
Do you mean environment variables?

custom images
Already there in "Customize Evolution Skin"

If you could name places where "custom content" is needed (you may screenshot them on the demo page, for example), I think some hooks could be added.
Why not to use plugins as package items feature for this?

Because I have my plugins written long time before there was an option for it, and one plugin has several ACLs.

Backup plugin in package1 has only local feature, in package2 local + ftp.

Do you mean environment variables?
Not only. We have some PHP/bash scripts implemented to print data from outside scripts.
Like literally printing output of php script/bash script or simple reading file (not plugins)

Already there in "Customize Evolution Skin"
Custom CSS, Custom JS, Custom HTML.

Like embedding video tutorials, boxes "show more", tooltips, URLs to KB with specific doc.

Like, the old one, skin I mean, gives us a lot of control over how the frontend and backend of it will look like and work. With Evolution I feel like it's cloud based dashboard with little to no customization (I don't count colors or images) while it's self hosted panel without ability to fully customize the frontend and backend for it.

I love the new Evo skin, but without being able to edit it to fit my needs I simply cannot use it without doing some JS hacks to catch elements and replace a lot of stuff. But it still won't be enough without being able to use PHP/BASH to print other things I want.
Because I have my plugins written long time before there was an option for it, and one plugin has several ACLs.

Backup plugin in package1 has only local feature, in package2 local + ftp.
2 plugins, or simply adapting it in the same single plugin (by checking corresponding user files) can do just this.

Like literally printing output of php script/bash script or simple reading file (not plugins)
Widgets can do this, but as I said, if you require this in some custom place - hooks can be added, we just need to know where.

Custom CSS, Custom JS, Custom HTML.
I've meant custom logos. Custom CSS can also be loaded there already. For custom HTML - place needs to be known for this. Pluggable menu items are already there if needed.

backend for it
Backend is closed source. It also has a variety of hooks that let you do the things.

But it still won't be enough without being able to use PHP/BASH to print other things I want.
You couldn't do it in the source code too, it just doesn't have this. It's all JSON interaction between backend/frontend. That's why I was suggesting to do it the official/native way, but we'd need to know the exact need (use-case) to code something in.

It's similar to saying "I don't like this skin". How to "fix" it without knowing what's wrong/needed to make it great? It's just too abstract/general.
I guess I will stick to the enhanced then. Evo is far from usable for me. Thanks.
Is there any update on this? I would like to "inject" some HTML/CSS/JQUERY on few pages. Some tutorials on how to edit DNS, how to setup SSL etc.
directadmin team don't need to do anything with this, if you still want to do, just use hooks update_post to automatics apply javascript ta into all html files.

And control everything with your jquery skills 😁.
