Verified User
Also, started to get lots of :

Might as well revert back to v2 config.
Edit: Ok, I know why: "The unknown account has just finished sending 1000 emails." is blocking but ever since I changed to 4.1, I get these messages.....
What is that all about2012-07-27 16:57:14 Received from <> R=1Sumuc-0006xA-S5 U=mail P=local S=1048 T="Autoreply: \"FW: Test message\""
2012-07-27 16:57:14 routing failed for [email protected] F=<>: Unrouteable address
*** Frozen (delivery error message)

Might as well revert back to v2 config.
Edit: Ok, I know why: "The unknown account has just finished sending 1000 emails." is blocking but ever since I changed to 4.1, I get these messages.....
I'm not sure why Vocation replies are not setting a sender address, therefore adding to the unknown usage? Am I right there's no sender address?Received from <>
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