SPAMHAUS - Senders IP's being listed in SPAMHAUS

Hi Richard G, do you still use this configuration?
Yes I do, but I might have changed the RBL's in there a little bit.
For domains that are being kept used by the spammers (so same domains, different ip's) I use the /etc/virtual/blacklist_domains and/or blacklist_senders file(s).

I don't know about DBL and ZRD but maybe they can be implemented in Spamassassin.
Maybe @mxroute is able to help you if he comes around, he's one of the mail specialists here. There might be others too.
Yes I do, but I might have changed the RBL's in there a little bit.
For domains that are being kept used by the spammers (so same domains, different ip's) I use the /etc/virtual/blacklist_domains and/or blacklist_senders file(s).

I don't know about DBL and ZRD but maybe they can be implemented in Spamassassin.
Maybe @mxroute is able to help you if he comes around, he's one of the mail specialists here. There might be others too.
Yes, I am also using /etc/virtual/blacklist_domains with 1071 domains, but where can I get an updated list of domains, since I am making my list manually and daily, it is a lot of work.
Yes that is the csf.blocklist he mentioned but those are ip's not domains. Which is in fact logic because CSF is an iptables shell and iptables works with ip's not with domain names.

cPanel has a feature like "Exim Filter Incoming Emails by Domain", I don't know if DA has something similar where update lists can be imported in the blacklist_domains file or something like that.