SSH Keys For Admin - You know a feature that should be included in DA by now!


Verified User
Sep 9, 2006
After installating the latest version of Cpanel on a VPS server i suddenly realized just how far DA has lagged behind in features.

I don't understand whats taking so long to includes at least SSH Key pair for the admin, you know, so we can login using PUTTY using keys instead of typing the good old password everytime we need to access the server as root.

Is there such a feature? If so, is there a knowledbase article somewhere in existence? Im not talking about keys or whatever DA calls them for users. I dont give users SSH access, im talking about for the admin. I see no such feature on my admin panel. Besides who decided that giving keys to users was more important than first doing something about this for the admin?????

This article is not what im looking for
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You can enable public key authentication in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
PubkeyAuthentication yes
Next, generate a keypair using your SSH client and then just append the generated public key (in OpenSSH format) to <user>/.ssh/authorized_keys and restart sshd.