Our customers have caught on that we don't have stats. We can't start another month like this. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see any success stories on this thread. Chrysalis has been pretty quiet too, so it must not be going so well for him either.
ClayRabbit, I don't know why the plug-in works for you, but not for anyone else. I'd pay to have someone set it up on our FreeBSD server if it meant we would have reliable and accurate stats. Otherwise, we can only conclude that it doesn't work.
At this point, it appears as though DA doesn't have usable AWStats available from any source. That's a shame since it stands in the way of DA qualifying as a valid general hosting control panel. Since switching to cPanel appears to be the only option, the only way out is purchase another dedicated server, migrate everyone's site to it for free, train them for free, and turn in the current server. I regret to say, our DA decision has cost us dearly. For this reason, rumors of usable AWStats options for DA must be dispelled on public forums to insure others are aware of this limitation when they are evaluating control panel software.
I would welcome any accurate, reliable, and maintainable AWStats solution that could prevent what appears to be the inevitiable.