Strange process

tr -cd 'a-zA-Z0-9' < /dev/urandom 2 > /dev/null | head -c`perl -le 'print int rand(7) + 10'`
Let's Encrypt script does not have this.

The code I see is (the one you pasted above):
tr -cd 'a-zA-Z0-9' < /dev/urandom 2>/dev/null | head -c8

No issues with at all. Do you have any?

Regarding CustomBuild, I've updated RPC bit for FreeBSD, it'd likely fix the issue.
Let's Encrypt script does not have this
I did the tests you asked the poster before us.
Do you have any?
Seems to be if I kick off a ssl cert renew. The tr command keeps on running the LE process never seems to finish. I found the tr process running for 15 hours on one of my servers.

, I've updated RPC bit for FreeBSD, it'd likely fix the issue.
So I can test this. Seems it has to be one or the other LE or ./build I didn’t think LE called ./build
It runs infinitely and it spawns many processes (seems to be related to the number of CPUs on the system?). If you kill a "tr" process, it respawns again.
Grep for letsencrypt

See if you find those running like in my previous post.
Kill them first then tr
Ok it seems fixed. Do this and test

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build clean
./build update
./build letsencrypt

Version should be.
Let's encrypt client 2.0.14 has been installed.

service directadmin restart

You may have to kill of old process or reboot

ps -aux |grep lets
kill -9 pids from command

ps -aux |grep tr
kill -9 pids from command