SWAP usage problem, server need frequent reboot.


Verified User
Oct 1, 2003
my server is currently running fine now, load shows "0.03, 0.05, 0.06". CPU "99.6" idle.

with this low loading, how come i'm still using 23324k (about 20M) SWAP memory?you may think it's fine, since it's only 20M SWAP memory used, but i'm actually facing some problem about it.

In the past one week, my server need to be rebooted every 2 days due to too much SWAP used, it caused server load too high, and server dies. what i observed is the SWAP memory usage will go up higher and higher after reboot, it can go up to 300M, i don't have heavy websites on the server, it hosts only about 10 unbusy domains/websites, the server is a celeron 2.4, 512RAM, it should be able to handle it easily.

i'm still trying to solve this problem, attached is the top result i saved when my server died last time.

what could be the reason caused this? :confused:



  • top.txt
    3.5 KB · Views: 285
well,i've searched ev1 forums and found many are facing the same problem, but none of them found why and solution, when the swap usage will just go up higher and higher, most of them will just upgrade RAM, and it doesn't solve the problem always.

my problem is the server used to be running fine, there is no heavy site on it, there is no improvement in terms of data transfer, server load is very low, cpu is almost idle...so i doubt i will need addtional RAMs helps.

my swap usage has reached 100M just now, i tried to restart httpd and mysqld, to my surprise the swap usage was back to normal, it's now using 5M only.

okay, is it related my httpd.cnf and my.cnf? does anyone has any ideas?

From what I see from your top.txt

There is a possibility there is a buggy script running behind it..which causing high CPU and memory.

Where the buggy script is loading error non-stop until it helps you crash the server..

What I see awkward is that you have a CGI forum running in your server...because i see a "topic.cgi"

Do you think you can give his/her URL and let me examine whether it is the one I always take note off? Due to I know some CGI forum do kills server this way~

Or you might do this before let me know...suspend his account, restart httpd and see the result DURING PEAK HOURS~
