Switching from Enism to DA


New member
Apr 14, 2004
Switching from Ensim to DA

I'm switching from an ensim based control panel to direct admin. I'm going to be transferring the data for my site and I was wondering how do I go about doing this so that my site can contiue to run. Dixiesys.com/8.95 host my site. Any information will be greatly appreciated...
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Your site will stay up until the apache part of the install happens. From that point, DA's copy of apache will take over (with our httpd.conf) so you'll want to create the user/domain as quick as you can. The data itself shouldn't be touched, but you're probably going to experience a few minutes of downtime (depending on how fast you are ;))


I might have read your post too fast :) (though you owned the server).

If you're transferring servers, then you just setup your new domain on the new DA server without touching any of the dns settings. Once all data is transferred, then you change the namservers to the new one, and you should experience no downtime as you'll have 2 copies of the site running at the same time on different machines. After about a day, you can take down the old site as nobody should be getting that IP anymore.

Thanks John for your help. I've tried downloading a copy of the data in the ensim control panel, but the file gets saved in tar format and when I try and restore the file in da, it states that the da accepts only tar.gz...Is there a conversion program available that I can use to change the file from tar-> to tar.gz and I am going about this in the right way? Or should I take another approach...Thanks, Daniel
A copy of what data? From a database?

Or do you just mean the site pages, html, etc.?

Are you telling ensim to make a backup?

DA cannot just restore an ensim backup.

Search these forums to see if someone has created conversion ensim to DA script; otherwise you'll need to get the site via ftp and publish it on the new DA server via ftp.
