sync backups with Backblaze B2


Verified User
Aug 14, 2021
Hello, do you know if there is a guide to synchronise backups with Backblaze B2?

I`d like to make a daily backup, sync it to Backblaze and after that delete the backup un the VPS, on Backblaze i`d like to retain only the latest 30 backups.

I hope someone has already done this, otherwise I'm hoping for some guidance on how to do such a thing. I've seen that there are tools like rclone or rsync, maybe I can do something with those.
I'm trying to send my backups to my Hetzner Storagebox but i have no luck with it!
Hello, do you know if there is a guide to synchronise backups with Backblaze B2?

I`d like to make a daily backup, sync it to Backblaze and after that delete the backup un the VPS, on Backblaze i`d like to retain only the latest 30 backups.

I hope someone has already done this, otherwise I'm hoping for some guidance on how to do such a thing. I've seen that there are tools like rclone or rsync, maybe I can do something with those.
I know this is old; however, you can do this with the backup hooks.

Create a script to run post-backup. I’d suggest using the AWS CLI and Backblaze B2’s S3-compatible API (using S3 grants you the capability to move to other storage providers with ease in the future without re-writing your script, if it’s ever needed). You can set a bucket lifecycle in Backblaze B2 to keep backups for a certain period of time, or handle the 30-limit in your custom script.

You can also modify sysbk, if you’re using it, to move system backups to Backblaze B2.