Syntax error on line 20 of /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/admin/httpd.conf

Ok I got it now I have to try ./build roundcube
Now I could install roundcube. Thank a lot both Andrea and Martynas.

I have one question left: do I have to repeat

./build rewrite_confs

as it was left unfinished in my original update of apache?
Did the commands i gave to enable mod_ruid2 and recompile apache work? If yes, and if everything is working than now, you dont need to.

Yes, everything seems to work fine now but I didn't get what you mean by:

Is mod_ruid enabled in options.conf?

I mean I don't know which parameter in options.conf you mean.
Yes I did, but I'm not using Custombuild 2, so I skipped the commands.
There is a valid reason for dont use CB2?

The only one should be if you're still using PHP 5.3 (from your latest post you dont), so i would highly suggest you to switch to CB2

No, but I've heard it is not as stable - I think I've read about it somewhere as well - as the earlier version. But I've never investigated it. Does it require more system resources such as memory consumption etc.? I'm an enthusiast of up-to-date things in general, though.
It is sable, is still called "BETA" but is actually not, i'm using it in production servers since months now with any issue at all.

It doesnt require more resource since is not a services that is always running, is as is the CB 1.2 you're using, it require resource while compiling software, but definitly not than any other software compiling.

Thanks anyway! I might try it whenever I feel less scared of Beta apps. I mean I prefer it to be officially released as a stable product.

cd /usr/local/directadmin
mv custombuild custombuild_1.x
wget -O custombuild.tar.gz
tar xvzf custombuild.tar.gz
cd custombuild
./build update_da

Once done this, edit options.conf to fix the environment you want (apache,php,mysql,etc)

Once done, run ./build versions to check what avaible update you does have.
