The Suggestion topic


Verified User
Jun 24, 2003
The Netherlands
I have a small suggestion, which was not really big enough to make a whole thread out of it, and I guess there are some who have the same.

So that's why I created this topic! :D Everybody who has a small suggestion to include in the next version can do so here.


In the IP manager you can view the ip's assigned to various users. I personally would like it if you can click the ip address of a shared ip and get a list of all domains running on that ip.

So for instance :

All domains on x.x.x.23
  • Domain
  • domein

Keep up the great work guys, Direct Admin is really good!
i have suggestions, although i know they are already being worked on so will leave them out ;)

Another suggestion:

CC every mail that is being send from the control panel to users to a e-mail address that can be specified.

The control panel sends e-mails to users when they reach their quotum, but in order to 'prove' that is actually send the e-mail perhaps CC'ing it would be a nice feature. You could set up [email protected] and every mail that is sent would also be received in that mailbox.

Then when a user starts to complain about not having received that message you can easily verify wheter or not that e-mail was actually sent.
We'll look into adding a feature so you can just select the IP range.. much easier. :D

It would be nice if we could choose which resellers would be allowed to oversell on a case by case basis instead of one blanket setting for the whole server.

S2S-Robert said:
Another suggestion:

CC every mail that is being send from the control panel to users to a e-mail address that can be specified.

I would really love that feature too :D
Multi-Domain settings

Maybe these features are included already, but on the demo they weren't (since there was only one domain).

I currently use PSA. I've had some clients where they have 10 domains, all forwarding to 1 domain. Setting up the HTTP forwarding was OK, still a little too much after a while. Then, they wanted to have 8 e-mail addresses. On each domain. I had to go to each domain and setup the e-mail forwards 8 times, and then on the primary domain set up the mail box. Wouldn't it be nice if I could just do it once?

Create new redirect:

[email protected]

Apply to other domains:


So that would setup [email protected],,, and, but leave untouched. Then I just setup all the forwards in a few easy steps, and then the mailboxes in one other easy step. My math shows that it would be 16 steps vs. 80. That feature would be a big seller for me, even though it might only happen once in a while.


Another suggestion:

Is it possible to change the owner of the user accounts? I have craeted several user accounts but now I want to move them to a reseller. This because some smaller clients are no longer managed by me, but by a reseller of mine.
S2S-Robert said:
Another suggestion:

Is it possible to change the owner of the user accounts? I have craeted several user accounts but now I want to move them to a reseller. This because some smaller clients are no longer managed by me, but by a reseller of mine.

In your case {old_release} probably is admin.

In /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/{username}/user.conf change the
line to

Remove from /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/{old_reseller}/users.list the {username}

In /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/{reseller}/users.list append to a new line

That should do it.
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I also would like overreselling. So that a reseller also could have resellers as customers.

I'm going to start work on IMAP tonight. Resellers creating reseller isn't likely to happen soon as it's a little bit out of the scope of what a Reseller is designed to do. Perhaps in DA v.2.0 or something :)

Actually, Maildir would solve quite a few issues:
1) the points you've stated
2) IMAP is already done

If we were starting out brand new, this wouldn't be too hard, but when you already have many servers running the mbox format, it's tricky to switch them *all* over..... Thoughts?

My recollection is that the qmail book I own has some information on converting mbox to Maildir; I'll do some reading and see what I find.

DirectAdmin Support said:
Actually, Maildir would solve quite a few issues:
1) the points you've stated
2) IMAP is already done

If we were starting out brand new, this wouldn't be too hard, but when you already have many servers running the mbox format, it's tricky to switch them *all* over..... Thoughts?


IMAP is done??

Not on our system. I was referring to the Maildir mailbox format. We use mbox, which doesn't have IMAP done for it yet (I'm working on it right now)
