Totally fried my Server Apache Install - Help

I assume the was the one that that you are having problems, since I just viewed the site. Try looking for the error log now, since I know I received a 404 error a minute ago.
Follow up

Yes it is the same site.

I did the ls -ltr like you said to do in the other thread this was the out put:

I get a list of error logs the last two entries are the only two web sites I have on my server and the date is correct it has a bytes extension on them. Here is the out put:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 18 00:10

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 18 00:10

What now?
The last line of the error log says this:

caught SIGTERM, shutting down

there is nothing more afer that. The timestamp is [Wed Oct 18 00:11:01 2006] and that is earlier today but that is the last entry.

Any ideas at this point?
I checked the logs and seeing what is was from before it stopped working all of the paths are correct like when it was working.

Could it be the Virual Host function is off? How do I check that?

Also all of the error log entires stopped as of early this morning.
Getting Web Pages to show up

After updating my server I'm pretty sure there is something wrong with my virtual hosting settings.

I've attached a file here listing what is written to my httpd conf and include files as far as virtual hosting is related.

If I'm missing a file please let me know. If anyone sees anything wrong that needs to be changed please let me know.


Server is back up

The DA Support team helped me out and I got my server back up, thanks to them.

Now I'm back to the original problem I had before I screwed up my server. Php pages do not work, no matter waht - I upgraded to php-5.1.6 and editted the httpd.conf for apache2.0.59 that I'm on which is just the DO directive and nothing else. Also whenever I login to DA cp via the :2222 port I get the login screen and then login and get a blank white page.
Original Apache Problem

BTW the reason my server would not show up last time was because of an install compile issue where -D HTTPD_ROOT="/usr/local/apache2"
was set and it should have been set to /etc/httpd fyi
Also before I upgraded to the php5 the same issue was happening with php4, php was not being processed at all - php info () was a blank white page.
As far as DA not letting you login, that is something I would work with DA support with. Try posting your whole httpd.conf file, perhaps you have something that still isn't configured properly. Are you still showing the SIGERM signals in your log files?
I uploaded my main httpd.conf file here, if anyone can see anything that needs changing.

Also, I did update my CentOS server to linux kernel.i686 2.6.9-42.0.3.EL I don't if that has to do with anything but the problems I'm having did start around that time.

I also uploaded my latest error_log to show what has been happening it says a lot, the Sig error appears as well and that snakeoil domain is not looking good.

Attached here is the httpd.conf file

