trouble with installing ImageMagick


NoBaloney Internet Svcs - In Memoriam †
Jun 16, 2003
RHL 7.3 is the OS...

I'm trying to install ImageMagic. When I try to install it with source, I get an "error 1" exit from make.

When I try to install it from RPMs, I try:

# rpm -ivh ImageMagick- \
ImageMagick-perl- \

and I get:

error: failed dependencies:
libungif is needed by ImageMagick- is needed by ImageMagick- is needed by ImageMagick- is needed by ImageMagick- is needed by ImageMagick- is needed by ImageMagick- is needed by ImageMagick- is needed by ImageMagick- is needed by ImageMagick-perl- is needed by ImageMagick-perl- is needed by ImageMagick-perl- is needed by ImageMagick-perl- is needed by ImageMagick-perl- is needed by ImageMagick-perl- is needed by ImageMagick-perl-

Doing a locate on the failed dependencies shows they don't exit.

Does anyone have an easy way I can get ImageMagick installed?

Where do I go from here?


ProWebUK said:
Thanks. I'll give 'em a try.
Btw, you can use a wildcard with rpm (rpm -ivh Image*.rpm)

I know. I've been installing from RPMs for at least five years, and using shell string expansion for at least ten years prior to that.

But I also know that if I do it that way, then .bash_history won't hold a good historical record of what I wanted to do.


It's been so long since I did the install I no longer remember which of the many machines we manage we did the install on, so it's not easy for me to check.

I'd have to grep my installation logs for all our systems, then check.

Which I just don't have time for right now.

Perhaps someone else can tell us.

sander815 said:
when you do, let me know if shos imagemagick...

ImageMagic isn't a library but rather a set of command line programs and consequently doesn't show in phpinfo().
Gotta Love These Older Forum Threads

  • :confused: How then can a simple test within a PHP script be done for the existance of functional ImageMagick?
    Webcart said:
    ImageMagic isn't a library but rather a set of command line programs and consequently doesn't show in phpinfo().
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TMC said:
  • :confused: How then can a simple test within a PHP script be done for the existance of functional ImageMagick?

Try to execute ImageMagic programs and see how it goes.
You can call programs from PHP scripts using, for example, backtick ' operator.
NOTE that on some servers you will have to specify a full path to a program, for example, /usr/local/bin/convert.

Hope that helps.
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Re: Gotta Love These E-mail notifications :)

  • Thank you for the detailed reply, Webcart.

    Based on what little we've learned so far about *nix ImageMagick, there seem to be a number of locations where it can be installed and ways it can be invoked. :rolleyes:

    If your entirely sensible PHP backtick method fails, it would appear necessary to perform a server-wide search in order to locate one or more unique ImageMagick binaries and/or other file/s. Once found, it would then appear necessary to attempt invoking ImageMagick as a command line call from PHP, and examine the results to verify IM is functional.

    Perhaps a simple ImageMagick command line version switch would be sufficientl to prove or disprove IM is available?
    Webcart said:
    Try to execute ImageMagic programs and see how it goes.
    You can call programs from PHP scripts using, for example, backtick ' operator.
    NOTE that on some servers you will have to specify a full path to a program, for example, /usr/local/bin/convert.

    Hope that helps.
TMC said:

  • Based on what little we've learned so far about *nix ImageMagick, there seem to be a number of locations where it can be installed and ways it can be invoked. :rolleyes:

That is correct. However, most common locations are /usr/bin/ and /usr/bin/local/. You might also check all the directories in PATH.

TMC said:

  • If your entirely sensible PHP backtick method fails, it would appear necessary to perform a server-wide search in order to locate one or more unique ImageMagick binaries and/or other file/s.

I don't think it is a good idea.
For one, searching the entire filesystem might be a time- and resource- consuming procedure, which could cause your PHP script to time out and could also open a door for denial-of-servcie attack. If you can't find ImageMagic programs in well-known locations (see my reply above), I would suggest promting a user about it. You could also advise the user to contact his/her hosting's support for this information.

TMC said:

  • Once found, it would then appear necessary to attempt invoking ImageMagick as a command line call from PHP, and examine the results to verify IM is functional.

That's what I meant by "[to] see how it goes" :)
Backtick operator returns an output of the executed command. More information about backtick operator can be found at site
some redhat rpms install to some wierd locations such as /usr/local/bin/X11 or something.

in that cause just symlink all the binaries to /usr/bin and /usr/local or whereever the script you are using needs it.