I'm trying to install libvips on one of our servers.
I have followed different steps.
The server has installed:
But it's not working in a laravel app that runs on the directadmin server.
Uncaught Jcupitt\\Vips\\Exception: Unable to open library ''. Make sure that you've installed libvips and that '' is on your system's library search path.
Don't know how to get this worked.
I'm trying to install libvips on one of our servers.
I have followed different steps.
The server has installed:
But it's not working in a laravel app that runs on the directadmin server.
Uncaught Jcupitt\\Vips\\Exception: Unable to open library ''. Make sure that you've installed libvips and that '' is on your system's library search path.
Don't know how to get this worked.