For an example of some cg tools:
Would you like to share how you did this?I use a very simple version where I user custom package options to set cpu, mem, tasks and bandwidth limits.
In I write the slice info to /etc/systemd/system/user-NNNN.slice.
In I obviously remove the file again.
In I update the user-NNNN.slice file and run a a few "systemctl set-property user-${userID}.slice CPUQuota=${resCPU}%" commands to activate the changes directly.
After each script I check if the daemon needs to be reloaded and user.slice needs to restart.
Pretty straightforward stuff.
What would be nice is some way to present usage graphs so it's easier to see if a user needs more resources.
Well, not with the default user slice but that's only for users logging in using ssh e.g.I got a chance to look into this a little bit more.
Unfortunately, this doesn't work with php-fpm. The user-slice information isn't read into the php-fpm pool fork per user. The user-slick information is only read from processes that originally start out from that user. Since the majority of process usage in the webhosting arena is via web and via PHP - this would appear to be a non-starter for me.
Unless I'm missing something from the systemd aspect that will allow the user-slice information to be read when the php-fpm process forks out to individual user pools.
Ideally the user-slices would be fully templateable. That's what cgroup templates used to do. Any process run by a user fell under the jurisdiction of that user's cgroup template. This does not appear to be the case with user-slices.
It's been discussed in and There is little activity there, so.. maybe these need to be 'revived' ?Well, not with the default user slice but that's only for users logging in using ssh e.g.
For php-fpm you'll need to do something else, but that's not that hard either. Systemd uses templates like '[email protected]'. You'll need toch use this to start the 'root' fpm-php process for each user. This service can run a post script like:
ExecStartPost=/blabla/ %i 73
This script gets the username and php version as a parameter. You can use that to get the cgroup settings from his package and set them in /sys/fs/cgroup/user.slice/<userid>/cpu.max etc.
Well, how I've done it, works good enough for me because I don't have to change the php code. (I still once in a while have nightmares about the apache itk mod). By moving the root php-fpm process (one pid only used when the fpm service is started) will have all subsequent user fpm processes also running in this cgroup automatically. The only 'issue' is that I have a php-fpm root process per user.It's been discussed in and There is little activity there, so.. maybe these need to be 'revived' ?
[root@staging1 ~]# dnf install grub2*
[root@staging1 ~]# vi /etc/default/grub # ..
[root@staging1 ~]# grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
Generating grub configuration file ...
[root@staging1 ~]# shutdown -r now
[root@staging1 ~]# adduser test1
[root@staging1 ~]# id -u test1
[root@staging1 ~]# systemctl status user-1005.slice
● user-1005.slice - User Slice of UID 1005
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/user-1005.slice; static; vendor preset: disabled)
Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/user-.slice.d
Active: inactive (dead)
First, login or su to your test1 user and start a dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/null.
This will use between 1 and 2 cpucores as much as possible (dd and rngd)
In another root shell type:
systemctl set-property user-1005.slice CPUQuota=5%
You should see drop the cpu usage to 5% for both processes combined. Tested on CentOS Linux release 8.3.2011.
Don't think so, though, in my opinion you should realy not be using OpenVZ in the first place.excellent, thank you for the useful contribution.
There is one thing I want to ask because I haven't tried it yet.
certainly can be done in KVM, but can this Cgroups feature also be done in OpenVZ?
I added 'systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=1' to the /etc/default/grub bootline and
did a ' grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg' and rebooted.
It's outlined here:
So I've opted for a clean install. Installing now, then will try to follow more instructions more closely. I have to admit I did take a second look at this yesterday and it still wasn't working (I could see changes to hard disk so maybe not grub, ugh) but in light of fact it could be something else I am doing a full reset of my server. Thanks @sysdev I'll post more later on.OK, I must need to try again then. Will let you know how it goes
vi /etc/default/grub
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
shutdown -r now
useradd test1
id -u test1
systemctl set-property user-1000.slice CPUQuota=5%