Uebimiau isn't secure, do you know that? Use Telaen.


Staff member
Aug 22, 2006

Many of us know that Uebimiau is EOL (end of life) and not secure application, that's why I was working on its alternative Telaen and today I can give you the script to install it. The code is based on the well known webmail interface - Uebimiau.

For anyone who wants to install Telaen please use the following script:
# This script is written by Martynas Bendorius and DirectAdmin
# It is used to install Telaen webmail into DirectAdmin servers
# Official Telaen webmail page: http://www.telaen.org

SMARTYDIR=`perl -le'print map+(A..Z,a..z,0..9)[rand 62],0..7'`;
if [ -e /etc/httpd/conf/exta/httpd-alias.conf ]; then


if [ "$OS" = "FreeBSD" ]; then

if [ ! -e ${FILE} ]; then
    wget -O $FILE $REMOTE_FILE

if [ ! -e ${FILE} ]; then
    echo "Unable to find ${FILE}, make sure it exists.";
    exit 1;

$TAR xzf ${FILE} -C ${DEST}

if [ -d ${ALIASPATH}/database ]; then
    cp -Rp ${ALIASPATH}/database ${REALPATH}

#link it from a fake path:
/bin/rm -f ${ALIASPATH}
ln -sf ${REALPATH}/telaen ${ALIASPATH}

mv ${REALPATH}/smarty_move_me ${REALPATH}/${SMARTYDIR}
cp ${REALPATH}/telaen/inc/config.php.default ${REALPATH}/telaen/inc/config.php
cp ${REALPATH}/telaen/inc/config.security.php.default ${REALPATH}/telaen/inc/config.security.php
cp ${REALPATH}/telaen/inc/config.languages.php.default ${REALPATH}/telaen/inc/config.languages.php

$CHOWN -f -R webapps:webapps ${REALPATH};
if [ ! -d $TMPDIR ]; then
    $MKDIR -p $TMPDIR;
$CHMOD -f -R 700 $TMPDIR;
$CHOWN -f -R apache:apache $TMPDIR;

if [ ! -e $TMPDIR/.htaccess ]; then
    echo "Deny from All" >> $TMPDIR/.htaccess

#editing configs
/usr/bin/perl -pi -e "s|/some/place/safe/smarty/|/var/www/html/${FILENAME}/${SMARTYDIR}/|" ${REALPATH}/telaen/inc/config.php > /dev/null

#writing alias to httpd.conf
COUNTALIAS=`grep -c -e "Alias /telaen" ${HTTPDCONF}`
if [ "${COUNTALIAS}" = "0" ]; then
   echo "Adding telaen alias to ${HTTPDCONF}"
   echo "" >> ${HTTPDCONF}
   echo "# Alias for Telaen webmail" >> ${HTTPDCONF}
   echo "Alias /telaen ${ALIASPATH}/" >> ${HTTPDCONF}
   echo "" >> ${HTTPDCONF}
   echo "You need to restart the httpd service if you want alias to work."
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And.. For anyone who wants to drop Uebimiau - just copy all data from /var/www/html/webmail/tmp to /var/www/html/telaen/database.
And after the data is copied over, at this point will it "just work"?

Is it different enough that users will have to be notified in advance?

jlasman, yes it will work with new data. No conversation required. It's quite different because of its skin, nothing more (a peace of code is changed, but users won't see it) :)
For those who wants to test a new beta version of telaen (1.2.0-beta1) I've made a script too:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/scripts
wget -O telaen.sh http://www.servermonkeys.com/projects/els/telaen/telaen-beta.sh
chmod 755 telaen.sh

Happy testing!
Maybe if the testing goes all ok, instead of all this talk about which client to get rid of and which to add etc, it would be a good idea for DA just to silent swap over to using telaen, a script could be made to run as well to move over the contents of var/www/html/webmail/tmp that way, we would have a secure replacement for Uebimiau without having to loose any of the emails that were stored using it.

Just an idea?
It's up to DirectAdmin support to use it or not :) It's very easy to switch from Uebimiau to Taelen.
mhm, I'd hope they would look into it at some stage, as it would IMHO, stop this constant 'which is the better webmail client to replace Uebimiau' talk on the forum, althought I am guilty of posting on a few of those debates too :D
mhm, I'd hope they would look into it at some stage, as it would IMHO, stop this constant 'which is the better webmail client to replace Uebimiau' talk on the forum, althought I am guilty of posting on a few of those debates too :D

As good as it might or might not be, I still think the CP needs to allow the admin to select which webmail applications are offered and which one is the default /webmail

DA has been as it has for along time, there is nothing stopping admin's changing the /webmail allias or adding they're own webmail client.
All i'm suggesting is a move to telaen would solve the EoL problems with Uebimiau while maintaining the emails for the many users that still use it. Furthermore you're keeping the default, maintaining the DA status quo if you like.

As for saying the CP needs to allow, well it does as it is? Admin's are free to offer any email client they like, I have installed roundcube for example. The /webmail can easily be changed without too much hassle, and if really necessary even the skin can be changed. :)
All i'm suggesting is a move to telaen would solve the EoL problems with Uebimiau while maintaining the emails for the many users that still use it. Furthermore you're keeping the default, maintaining the DA status quo if you like.

If you're saying that "keeping the default" means keeping the replacement for Uebimiau as the default /webmail, then it means folks who don't want that as the default webmail client have to make changes to the system.

My personal belief is that the admin should be given a choice, via the CP to specify which webmails are to be offered and which one will be the default application. If that is done then each admin can configure the webmail in a fashin that he/she feels is best.

I understand what your saying, but why change whats always been before? DA have provided Uebimiau as the default webmail for a long time, people have lived with that or used other clients squirrelmail, roundcube etc.
Admins have always been free to change what they wish /webmail (the default) to point to. I believe Telaen should be viewed as 'Uebimiau Reloaded'.
I personally feel that most admins make changes to their system anyway, setting up a webmail client of their choosing won't cause too many problems for us.

I think what it boils down to is how the choice is implemented, I think you would rather the choice (of client) be implemented in the CP, whereas personally I'm quite happy to maintain the status quo and edit the files to implement an alternative if I want to.

BTW out of interest what version of Uebimiau currently runs on your system? Does the latest DA contain the latest Uebimiau as Uebimiau is on 2.7.10 and I only seem to have a lower version then that?
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I understand what your saying, but why change whats always been before?
Using your logic, why replace Uebimiau? Why use Jeff's Spamblocker3 instead of 2? Why have newer versions of Perl or PHP?

I think what it boils down to is how the choice is implemented, I think you would rather the choice (of client) be implemented in the CP, whereas personally I'm quite happy to maintain the status quo and edit the files to implement an alternative if I want to.
Control Panel is what the admin and the users can use to control how the system meets their needs. It would seem to me that one could make the changes faster and with less chance of errors from a control panel than from the shell. While I can go into shell and do things, I'd rather automate them..or have them part of the panel....

BTW out of interest what version of Uebimiau currently runs on your system? Does the latest DA contain the latest Uebimiau as Uebimiau is on 2.7.10 and I only seem to have a lower version then that?

I haven't got the slightest idea...when I switched over to DA I looked at what was vailable via the control panel...which appeared to be Uebimiau and Squirrelmail. Based on migrating used from a RaQ which uses open webmail, I thought squirrelmail would be less of a transitiion.

So, I went to some of my trusted customers, who are not tekkies, have no interest in what things jump what hoops, aand who are always ready to tell me when I screw up...and asked them to try both. Neither one of them liked Uebimiau, and both asked me why when they went to what they were familiar with /webmail/ they got Uebimiau.

Luckily I saw a post here that told me what to do to make squirrelmail the default.

Life would have been so much easier on myself and my customers if I could have simply gone into the control panel and selected Squirrelmail as the application I wanted to offer and that it would be reached at the /webmail

Pretty simple...no shell, no typing, just two clicks and the system would have been configured as I needed it.

Maybe I didn't explain my first point very well, I certainly am not stupid enough to suggest not updating things. Even if i may have came across so, for which I appologise.

For me I see the panel as being something the users use, while I appreciate the many features the Admin Level has, I have no problem using shell to customize the system as I like, again this is a matter of personal prerference.

As for Uebimiau well customers are different, I have quite a large number who prefer using Uebimiau, for reasons such as the skin etc, and I happen to not think it's that bad either, although I use roundcube. Again personal preference.
My personal belief is that the admin should be given a choice, via the CP to specify which webmails are to be offered and which one will be the default application. If that is done then each admin can configure the webmail in a fashin that he/she feels is best.

That is great. But that is not what we are discussing here. Let's try to stay on topic here. This is about whether Telaen is a suitable replacement for Uebimiau or not.

What the control panel should or shouldn't do should be discussed in the Feedback & Feature Requests section.
Maybe I didn't explain my first point very well, I certainly am not stupid enough to suggest not updating things. Even if i may have came across so, for which I appologise.
Not a problem....I never said you were stupid.

For me I see the panel as being something the users use, while I appreciate the many features the Admin Level has, I have no problem using shell to customize the system as I like, again this is a matter of personal prerference.
There had to be some reason for DA to include an Administrative panel:)
And yes, it is a matter of personal preference. I would much rather use a well designed control panel than crawl around in the shell. To me, it's a lot like my car...while I know how to repair it, and I can do a fair job of trouble shooting it, I would much rather let me Control Panel(My mechanic) do the work for me. I just had to replace a muffler....and instead of crawling undel the car, getting out a torch, heating joints, unbolting stuff and then cuting and welding one pipe, I drove to the Control Panel(My mechanic), gave him 20 bucks and let him do all of it. While was there I finished a few web pages for a client....so I made money by using the Control Panel.

As for Uebimiau well customers are different, I have quite a large number who prefer using Uebimiau, for reasons such as the skin etc, and I happen to not think it's that bad either, although I use roundcube. Again personal preference.

Good point....just as my customers didn't like it....which simply means that I should be able to offer them something else.

But here we go again....I would suggest that if the control panel was setup as I have suggested, admins could configure the webmail as they feel is appropriate with some simple key clicks...OR via the shell.

Ok, I guess everything is personal preference, I do think it would be a good idea to have a webmail preferences section in the Control Panel as you have suggested, many admins I agree would like that functionality :)

BTW I liked your extended metaphor it was very good :D
Ok, I guess everything is personal preference, I do think it would be a good idea to have a webmail preferences section in the Control Panel as you have suggested, many admins I agree would like that functionality :)

BTW I liked your extended metaphor it was very good :D




DA originally used UebiMiau not because it was the best email client since sliced bread (though for its day it was actually quite good), but because DA originally didn't include IMAP, and the others required IMAP.

It's about the right time to make something else the default; I like Thom's idea of having it settable, as some other things are settable.

But I agree, it's easily available, as is for example Dovecot (which isn't yet default) and Apache2, which isn't yet the default (and based on some experiences may not even be ready to be the default).

John, Mark, if you're reading... can we replace UebiMiau with Telaen on new installs? It's file compatible with UebiMiau, and under active development.

And some people think it's nice looking, too :) .
