Uebimiau isn't secure, do you know that? Use Telaen.

John, Mark, if you're reading... can we replace UebiMiau with Telaen on new installs? It's file compatible with UebiMiau, and under active development.

And can we please have admin selection of what can be used and what is the default?


I'll take a look at it and see how it goes. If it's an easy swap between the 2, then I'll make it happen. Settable options will be a secondary priority, since you can already change them with minimal difficulty post-install.


I did an install using the script in the first post. However most files were installed as clamav:games. I guess this must be the wrong user and group but wonder how this could happen.

[root@s02 scripts]# chmod 755 telaen.sh
[root@s02 scripts]# ./telaen.sh
--18:23:01--  http://puzzle.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/telaen/telaen-1.1.3.tar.gz
           => `/usr/local/directadmin/scripts/packages/telaen-1.1.3.tar.gz'
Resolving puzzle.dl.sourceforge.net...
Connecting to puzzle.dl.sourceforge.net||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1,645,357 (1.6M) [application/x-gzip]

100%[====================================>] 1,645,357     73.91K/s    ETA 00:00

18:24:25 (54.24 KB/s) - `/usr/local/directadmin/scripts/packages/telaen-1.1.3.tar.gz' saved [1645357/1645357]

/bin/chown: `webapps:webapps': invalid user
Adding telaen alias to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
You need to restart the httpd service if you want alias to work.
[root@s02 scripts]#

EDIT: changed webapps:webapps in telaen.sh into root:root, ran the script again and persmissions are set correctly now.
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login domain admins fail

Domain admins cannot login with their main account in Telaen (without @domain.com). This is also described in the Telaen forum and seems to be a typical DA problem.
Wouldn't that be a Telaen problem since its Telaen not letting you login with a regular system account? This would be a problem with Telaen whether you were running DA or not. That means that Telaen cannot be run on any server that does not use virtual pop accounts.
You make an interesting point. Talean should be using whatever authentication is set up by DirectAdmin. I thought the only change needed was to give the proper default return address.


Now what

I've installed this thing, now how do I get to it?? mydomain.com/webmail still points to uebimiau.
The way I'd do it is I'd navigate into the /var/www/html directory, mv the webmail directory to uebimiau, and then create a link for webmail to link to the new directory for Talean.

If you want your old clients, with mail saved in Uebimiau, to still be able to get to Uebimiau, you'll need to edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.

Find the line:
Alias /webmail /var/www/html/webmail/
and under it insert this line:
Alias /uebimiau /var/www/html/uebimiau/
and then restart apache.

And of course let your clients know how to reach uebimiau if they require it. If you're tempted to skip this step because you consider it a security issue, then think for a moment of how quickly you'd leave your hosting company if suddenly all your saved webmail email was lost with no warning.

Thanks for the script.
Telaen have released v 1.2.0
Any chance for a update to this version?
I get nothing but a blank white page.


Ok I did a chown -R webapps:webapps *

and now its fixed.

However I noticed that its saying I have a 4096mb limit when my limit is unlimited. Where does it pull the quota info from?
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And.. For anyone who wants to drop Uebimiau - just copy all data from /var/www/html/webmail/tmp to /var/www/html/telaen/database.

What if we want both to have the SAME information? is it possible to make a symbolic link from one to other for it to work? (so they can go and return while they all start to like it?)


PD Any ETA on 1.2.0??? I love your scripts!!!! hehehe I'm afraid of making something by hand now :D
telaen.sh now includes 1.2.0 by default, so just do this to update the file:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/scripts
wget -O telaen.sh [URL]http://www.servermonkeys.com/projects/els/telaen/telaen.sh[/URL]
chmod 755 telaen.sh

About the symlink - it should work fine.
However I noticed that its saying I have a 4096mb limit when my limit is unlimited. Where does it pull the quota info from?

Please post the output of:
cat /usr/local/lib/php.ini | grep upload_max_filesize
Any concensus? Should we simply move everyone from uebimiau to telaen?

Which are?

And how do they compare with using totall unsupported and already dangerously hackable UebiMiau?

